Chapter Twenty Three

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**First off I would like to apologise, this has taken far too long. I've had exams, jobs, exams, a slow laptop that makes me angry. I am very busy but I should have found some free time. Here I will try to finish the story as intended, I can only hope it does justice for the time it has taken to update.
P.S Someone said my cliff hanger was Moffat worthy (fayetheBrilliant) Thank you don't know whether to be complimented.
P.P.S the sites changed and I forgot how to upload oops. **

How marvellous it was to be back in the Tardis, hearing it's unique sound, it's parts moving in harmony whiring away. Amy wanted to run to her room and get away curl up in her bed and shower, simple things that she would have once taken for granted. Instead she turned round to study everyone. Mias and his men were in a fighting stance, for some reason they must have believed that this was a trap organised by Camelot. Her knights, her friends, her brothers of sorts were in awe along with Uther and his son, their mouths slightly parted as if prepared to say something in response to the spectacular interior. Then there was Rory who's eyes were on her sparkling with something, hope? Happiness? She did not know all she could tell was that he was happy. The Doctor was busying himself running round preparing for a trip, she drifted to his side watching the location he was entering, Lake Sena, close to the other group of angels.
Amy broke the silence "Bigger on the inside, it's a future space vehicle. No time for explanations, this isn't a tour, we are on a mission. Weeping angels, they can only move when not being watched, if no one is looking they are as fast, so quickly, hence why I didn't even blink. I couldn't for everyone's safety."
The knights stance changed, from causal to alert, they were ready for orders and ready for a war.
The Doctor stepped forward "These are difficult creatures to deal with, What numbers are we looking at?"
"100 approximately."
The shift in the control room turned to doubt, the panic that had arose from two and yet now there were about 100 to deal with. Everyone stayed silent. Neither King spoke to give orders, their eyes on Amy, awaiting her command. Just a girl, outspoken and strange in this land and yet the rulers looked to her for orders. For once, even though she was in his presence, even though for her time in Camelot, she wished for his guidance, Amy didn't turn to the Doctor for guidance, she turned to the control board, looking at the layout of the Tardis.
"I have an idea, simple hopefully, none of you will need your armour, they touch you, you're gone. No amount of steel is going to aid that, instead they are going to slow down your agility." Amy moved to one of the side of the Tardis, a pair of converse left on one side, she removed her medieval footwear and put the converse on and laced them up as she spoke. " We need to be quick, able to lift, move and be aware."
As she finished lacing up her shoes, the tardis landed. "Outskirts of Lake Sena, So what's this plan?"
"Immobilise them till it is perfect to encase them in explainable technology."
Mias scoffed. "That is vague, I suggest we behead and burn them."
Arthur Laughed at Mias "And how has your burning of stone gone in the past?"
The doctor chuckled, and pointed to a door way, fifth door on the left then second on the right. I never saw a use for this particular storage room when the Tardis repaired itself, and why it was so large, but finally a use, other than Pond and her makeup."
The men followed Amy who jogged to the room, equipped with what would hopefully serve as a weapon, they headed to the cave, making a large line blocking the enterance and staring forward.
They marched forward, two on the end followed the edge of the cave and placed down what was in their hands. Retracing their steps and replacing the next set of knights.
"So how shall this work?" Uther questioned.
"The mirrors shall show them their reflections, which means they will be being watched and hence cannot move. Hopefully. Then I'll get in contact with a friend in the future, they should have a team to cope with and contain them."
"But mirrors don't work in the dark?" Percival questioned, Amy couldn't help smiling, these men were using not just their muscles but now their brains, they were thinking.
The Doctor simply waved what appeared to be a large glow stick in front of the Knight as a response to the question, his face seemed to suggest not to question it, the explanation must be too complicated.
They finished stacking the mirrors when Mias gasped. Amy spun round and all that was in his place were the two Angels. "So they did follow us." The Doctor commented.
"What about the king?" His men questioned.
The doctor rolled his eyes. "It was part of history unfortunately, his kingdom was never meant to flourish, it is too depleted. Any of those in his kingdom must be moved to safety and a newer residence."
The Knights looked angered ready to fight but Arthur and his men brushed past them lifting the two Angels back into the centre of the cave before placing mirrors towards the entrance.
After fully securing the cave and placing several signs suggesting to go around the terrain, they departed back to the Great Hall. Maids were shocked at the arrival of the blue box, some even fainted to see the amount of people exit.
"Gwen" Amy ran forward and hugged her friend in a warm embrace. "No ones injured?"
Gwen shook her head and Amy looked to the Doctor.
Leaning back against the Tarids. "From the amount of encounters I've had with them, they've had a high interest into the highest power in the area. We had with us the Tardis, the King and Prince Arthur. Which they would be drawn to the most I am not sure, but they were more focused on our location than the other people in the area."
Amy smiled, relief, everyone was safe, she had done her job.
But now it was time to leave.
Time to say goodbye. Rory and the Doctor were speaking to Uther, they seemed to be giving her time to say her goodbyes.
Amy ran to the Tardis quickly, grabbing what she could. She ran to Gwen first, handing her a beautiful lilac gown that was amongst her wardrobe of periodic clothing. "For you, you are so beautiful, and more special than you ever know. Don't forget, woman can give orders too, it becomes acceptable in the future. A woman is by a man's side, not behind, hiding in the shadows and following. Not at the front to lead but by their side to join them in their life." She wraps her arms around the young maid, bringing her into a warm hug.
Next she moves to the Knights, her brothers, and requests that they group together. The doctor strides towards her, taking the object out of her hands. "It's like an instant painting." The doctor clicks the button several times and the images comes out. He shakes the pictures and hands them to Amy.
"They won't last forever but you could get a painting done?" She smiles and hugs each male, they accepted her as one of their own, she was no longer an outsider or rejected from her gender and the change was something new.
She pulls Arthur to the side he seems quiet.
"You found your Rory then?" he questions.
"Yes, finally, I doubted if I ever would."
"I guess it's time for you to leave." His gaze shifts to his feet and he keeps talking "I am happy for you, this is what you wanted, but you have changed so many people's lives, you've enlightened them. Yet you must leave."
Amy places a hand on his shoulder, his head lifts. "Arthur, I do not belong here, I never have done. You will be a great leader, you will be alright without me."
"Will I?" He questions.
"Someone will always be looking after you, do not worry, you shall be safe just stay aware."
"I am going to miss you Amelia." He leans forward and pulls her into a hug, pressing his lips to her forehead. " I hope you take care of yourself."
"Same to you Arthur Pendragon."
She passes him one of the photos, and curtseys as she is about to enter the Tardis, Arthur kisses her hand.
"Uther. Beware of any Magical creature, you may feel enlightened but there are many out there, keep Camelot safe." Amy states knowing caution should keep them safer.
He nods and grabs a cup raising it up "To Lady Amelia, Protector of Camelot."
The words echo through the hall from the lips of all those grateful and Amy returns into the Tardis finding herself in Rory's arms with tears down her face. She sobs while he strokes his fingers through her hair. She had not intended to cry but from the sadness of her departure to the relief of being home and happy in Rory's arms, she was just very overwhelmed.

Back in Camelot, Arthur takes a seat at the side of his fathers throne, he sighs loudly. Head in hands, it was extremely strange she was gone for only moments but he knew it wouldn't be the same. The great doors open and a knight shouted out "The Lady..." His head shot up but it was only his fathers ward, "...Morganna." She looked slightly perplexed as some Knights were still not in amour and many of them sitting at benches slouched looking sad.
"Good trip, My dear?" Uther spoke yet it seemed as though he was not that highly interested.

In the Tardis Amy's sobs slowed down. "At least tell me he'll be okay." The Doctor smirked and walked over to the Tardis door and opened them, a figure could be seen walking along the path towards Camelot, they should be arriving in a few hours. "Who is it?" She questions looking to the Doctor.
He smiles knowingly as an answer and Amy already feels happier to leave him as the legend of Prince Arthur is to begin.

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