Chapter Twenty One

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I am SO so so so Very sorry the update has taken so long I have been busy and although it is no excuse I apologise because you have waited too long! And I am so sorry. I feel awful, I will finish this I promise!


Amy had just changed into her night gown and bid farewell to Gwen when there was a knock at the door. She climbed out the bed slowly and prised it open, surprisingly to her the visitor was Uther.

“Hello, Your Highness.” She greeted, shocked by his arrival but still formal. She was tired yet not impolite.

“Amelia. I will make this short. Thank you, thank you for everything you have done, we would have lost a lot of men before that threat was spotted, and those men can now go home to their families all whom are safe.” He commented, his thanks sounding sincere and this made Amy smile she had done her job.

“It is the job you hired me for that I was simply carrying out, I protected Camelot from unknown magical creatures.” She had to point it out, he had hired her and she had just done her job.

“Well Camelot is still thankful. You are not leaving are you?” He questioned waiting expectantly for an answer. He seemed sad maybe or was it a slight bit of dread, he had not spotted the threat what would happen if there was something similar in the future?

“If you desire me to stay I will but maybe a break from training tomorrow.” She questioned, she had got stronger but longed for a day off, if she were in her time she’d just relax, snuggled up on the sofa in her Pj’s watching many Tv shows before Rory returned, she had no idea what to do but new she needed a break.

“Of course but I will arrange for something for you to do with the knights to allow you to have a day out with friends. As a celebration of your success if you will” He commented.

“Well does that mean Guinevere can come to? I have grown fond of the girl’s friendship.” She loved the guys they were extremely fun and training was great but it was also nice to have some girly time and Gwen was the only girl she really knew.

“I will see Amy, Good night.” He held the door ready to close it behind him.

“Good night your highness.”

The door shut. Amy crawled up onto her bed and got herself comfy in the blankets, she blew out the candle and darkness surrounded her. For a first time in a while she felt safe and she drifted off to sleep quickly and without a worry.

Sunlight broke through the gaps in the curtains awaking her from the deep sleep. Amy felt good. She had saved Camelot, she had saved Camelot from Daleks. All without the Doctor. She could cope. Well she could cope with monsters but she still missed her boys. Were they doing the same? Were they fighting monsters or were they searching for her?

There was a knock at her door and she mumbled “Come in” Loud enough for them to hear. She turned over with her face into the pillow just as the curtains were flung open and light filled the room.

“Hurry up Amy, we have a picnic to attend.”

Amy shot up “You are coming?” Gwen nodded smiling happily and passing Amy some clothes, the same she would wear for training. She hastily put them on and walked briskly with Gwen outside to where the knights were going to be.

“Ah Amy so you finally awoke, we were worried that we would just have to carry you with us until you woke up, the Guinevere suggested she tried waking you.” Arthur commented and Percival smiled.

“So where are we going?” Amy questioned, ignoring their original plan.

“There is a lovely spot in the forest that I know, I thought it would be nice for us to all travel there and eat.”

“And where are the others?” Gwen questioned there was only Arthur, Percival and Hector.

“Others have duties, the castle cannot be left unprotected can it?”

She shook her head and Amy felt bad for Gwen until she saw Arthur’s smile he was only teasing.

“Shall we?”

Amy mounted her horse in a swift movement as did the Knights, Gwen struggled slightly so Percival assisted her and they left Camelot to head towards the forest.

It was very beautiful all the flowers and greenery. It was lost in the modern times to skyscrapers and sidewalks. Here riding through the forest Amy felt close to nature and appreciated it. They were walking steady, Percival and Arthur talking. Hector dropped back to by Amy’s side and whispered “Amelia I am sorry to have treated you unfairly, you have proven your worth I am sorry.”

She nodded and noticed that Arthur had reached his destination, it was by a waterfall that gushed over the hill, it was incredible she wished she could take a photo but that was not at all possible. They all dismounted and tied the horses to a tree, the men unpacked the picnic and sat on the ground Amy joined them and Gwen sat next to her. There were grapes, cheese, ham and wine as well as a lot more luxury foods.

They ate and it was divine, the food had obviously been prepared with care and it tasted wonderful, they talked whilst they ate about different things in Camelot, Gwen even joined in and seemed comfortable, it was an escape from the castle when  ranks were forgotten.

“To Lady Amelia, the saviour of Camelot from the creatures from the future.” Arthur exclaimed.

“To Amelia.” They joined in.

“You know I don’t like too much attention.” She moaned.

“And that is why there are only the five of us here.” Arthur smirked.

“Shush you.” Amy stated.

“Did you just shush the future King of Camelot?” Percivals face was shocked.

Amy was confused.

“I believe she did Percival, she shushed him.” Hector added.

“Does she not realise that is a punishable offence?” Percival commented looking to Arthur whose face was stern. She did not understand and Gwen had dropped quiet.

Arthur drew his sword and dropped it to the ground, and he looked her dead in the eye and said “Very disrespectful.”

He stepped forward towards her, she gulped.

“No matter if we are friends no crime is unpunished.”

He ran towards her and picked her up into his arms as he ran towards the water it all became clear.

“Arthur Pendragon you put me down this instant!”

“Alright” He threw her into the water. It was freezing she stood up soaking wet watching the knights and Gwen laugh.

She trudged out of the water and approached Arthur, “It’s okay I forgive you.” She wrapped her arms round him soaking most of his clothes, Gwen Percival and Hector could not control  their laughter.

Arthur and Amy turned to look at them, then each other and smirked. Soon all of them were soaked, dripping wet and laughing due to the fun.

Arthur sighed “We had better be returning back we have a guest arriving whom my father does not always get on with, they have had feuds before.”

As they mounted the horses and started to return Percival reassured Arthur, “King Mias will do nothing, his army is depleted death has haunted his kingdom for weeks his numbers are low it is more likely that he is coming to ask for an alliance rather than a fight.”

“I thought his Army was extremely strong and so were his defences how does it deplete and such, the apothecaries are worshiped, the envied healers in the lands.” Hector questioned.

“There are no cause of deaths, there are no bodies found but the guards watch the gates and no one comes in, no one goes out and twenty go missing.” Arthur comments sadly.

“Why give me a bad feeling, bad feelings are not good at all and there could be trouble.” Amy sighs.

“As long as it does not come to Camelot we will all be fine.”

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