Chapter One

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Disclaimer: The BBC owns everything, I just came up with the plot idea.


Chapter one:

Escaping the guards was going to be difficult, she had slowed to a standstill, admiring an apple, she cared nothing for the particular fruit, but it meant she didn't have to approach the guards and that was good enough for her. She placed the apple down and tried entered a row with more people, a hand was on her shoulder stopping her, she turned her head and gazed into the eyes of a guard peering through from under his helmet. "Remove the cloth please mam." He was courteous, yet annoyance was sensed in his voice.

Sighing the woman reached her hands round to the back of the cloth, he smiled obviously thinking she were co-operating, she felt bad, he didn't seem as rough as others who were ripping off hoods, who knows another time, another place she would have befriended him. Today was not the day. She threw the cloth at his face and ran. Clumbsiness got the better of her and she slipped only to collide into something. She closed her eyes tight and braced herself for impact, softer than she expected.

She opened her brown eyes to be met with pale blue ones, the back drop was the underside of a table covered in cloth. The stranger and his one arm around her, the other on the ground having braced themselves for the impact, as she opened her mouth he rested his weight on his elbow behind her and his knee while using his now free hand to cover her mouth. His voice was calm but quite, the words came in between breaths making it evident that he had ran and collided with her, "Keep your voice down, we don't want them finding you."

She nodded her head, but it was a few more moments later that he removed his hands. The volume of those shopping at the market increased, the sounds were more relaxed than the shouting guards this  signaled they had left. The male brushed back his blond hair and smirked at the female, "I don't think we should get up yet, they might still be around." He was met with a nod rather than a reply, "Why were they chasing you? If you don't mind me asking."

She smiled "Honestly?" she sighed and shook her head, "I have no idea."

The blond laughed lightly, "A lady like you won't have most of the knight searching for her, and she definitely doesn't manage to elude them. What happened, you can trust me?"

Arching and eyebrow she questioned "Can I? You tackle me and ask me all these questions."

"I'm curious."

"Well I didn't elude them, you assisted me, you should be careful if they find out. And I suppose they're accusing me of magic or sorcery, they probably presume I'm a threat it's a total misunderstanding."

He smiled and added "Well maybe you could explain it."

Her smile faded "I wish I could, I have an idea of why they're accusing me, and that itself is difficult to explain, but here, it's impossible. I'm not a witch or sorceress or magician or whatever, I may say things that are not normal and know things before others but I am 100% human. I can hardly explain I come in peace, I just want to survive till I can get home but they won't listen, they will think I've come to kill the king."

"And have you?" His face was darker.

"I don't even know what the year is, or where I am. I don't know who the king is, but I can most certainly say I have no intention of killing anyone, I'm just lost."

Silence filled between the two of them, she would have moved but he was pressing down on her, trapping her. The male seemed deep in thought and questioned. "How did you get here?"

She sighed, she shouldn't have trusted him, if only her legs weren't pinned down, maybe she could lift her knee and make an escape, but for now she had to answer. "That's the bit that's difficult to explain, I can't explain it, I only know a little myself. Please can I go?" She tried looking up through her lashes and it seemed to work he rolled off her so she was free.

She was about to climb through the cloth when he questioned her name, she told him and left. As she walked off she heard her name roll off his tongue, "Amelia Pond, Good Luck."

As she turned to glance back she felt something hard on the back of her head. Everything went black.

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