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Disclaimer: The BBC owns everything, I just came up with the plot idea.




The voice shouted over the crowd, she knew the command was directed at her, but how could she obey, she couldn't explain, so instead she kept on running. Her heels hitting the cobbled path, they slowed her down, she wasn't making enough ground and they'd catch up soon. She kicked them off as she moved internally sighing as hooves could be heard behind her.

It wasn't that easy trying to hide when their eyes were locked on her, she spun to her left running between stalls, grabbing some cloth to cover her red hair, a distinctive feature that was bound to get her caught. She weaved between stalls, slowing her pace to match the steps of those around her, hoping to blend in, the horses and shouts had quietened down, Maybe she had got rid of them.

Nope, she wasn't that lucky, there were gaurds visable at the end of the rows of stalls, they were removing cloth that covered peoples faces, they were bound to find her.

She cursed under her breath "Doctor, Hurry up, Help, find me."

A Guest in Camelot (Doctor Who/Merlin)Where stories live. Discover now