Chapter Eight

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Disclaimer: The BBC owns everything, I just came up with the plot idea.

Some readers who have not watched Doctor Who may be confused but things do get explained in later chapters, it’s not too complex.


Chapter Eight:

The stench was taking a while to remove itself, Amy was glad Uther was making a small speech, he was just welcoming Anthony to his kingdom. He was still in an informal mode and Amy imagined his as the boring father of the bride weddings which the guests would fall asleep to. The stench was still unbearable.

“My eyes are burning.” She whispered lightly, barely audible yet the prince managed to hear and laughed at her comment as he seemed to think it comical, however she was truthful with what she said as her eyes were starting to water due to the smell. She leant back in her chair and tried to listen to the speech, maybe she could die of boredom and would no longer have to endure the pain in her nostrils.

“May we toast to the health of our guest, and then enjoy our meal.” Uther declared, although it was a happy statement he barely smiled at all, Uther struck Amy as a man that rarely was happy even at celebrations. She gazed at the food in front of her, roast boar, pheasant, duck. A large range of food. All should make her mouth water looking at the crisp skin of the meat, or at the sight of the roast potatoes and vegetables but although the meat looked succulent and as though it would be delicious, she did not feel hungry at all.

“Lord Anthony is putting me off my food.” Arthur murmured, as he slowly lifted a small slice of one of the meats on to his plate. The slice was very thin and obviously a lot less than he was used to. He lifted the meat to his mouth and was just about to eat another piece of meat when it was obvious that Anthony had let another one rip and he dropped the meat quickly back to his plate, pushing it back with a sigh.

“I don’t feel as hungry now either.” She had a few potatoes un eaten on her plate and had not even bothered touching the meats, she just drank a sip of ale lightly and gazed across to the lord, he was stuffing his face with as much food as he could pick up, it was revolting the chunks of meat being crammed in, she scrunched her nose and looked at the king, he seemed to find it distasteful but didn’t wish to comment either, so it wasn’t just the way they ate the meals in this age. “Doesn’t seem like his appetite is effected though.” She watched what he ate, mouthfuls of everything, well everything apart from the sardines. Surprisingly enough he also refused the ale as Gwen approached him, this did not calm Amy’s concerns that the Lord was not who he seemed.

As the stench slowly disappeared so did the food as the waiters, or servants as they were referred to, carried away the plates, “Just as my appetite returned.” She heard Arthur comment reaching for food yet not quickly enough as the plate was whisked away. She could have sworn he would have pouted if he was not trying to kept a straight, professional face.

A large scraping sound caught her attention as it did with the rest of the court, she turned and realised Lord Anthony was merely getting up, he spoke as he did so. “What a wonderful greeting your highness, may I return my gratitude through a display of entertainment?” Even though it was a question he made his way in front of the table and turned to the court. “I’ll be in need of a volunteer.” Amy arched her eyebrow knowing what was going to happen. “How about the Prince?” Arthur went to stand up.

“Arthur don’t, please.” She grabbed on to his arm. His eyes questioned her curiously and she was sure so was the rest of the court were too but it was vital he didn’t approach the Lord, it was going to be dangerous if he took another step forwards. He tilted his head, his eyes speaking for him begging her to let go. “Don’t.” He shook his head and removed her hand from his arm before walking towards the Lord, Amy stood up snatching a pitcher of Ale and a plate of Sardines from Gwen. “Arthur don’t go any closer to him.”

“Amy sit down!” A growl emerged from behind, evidentially the King, she was being viewed as an embarrassment, but she didn’t mind, she had been thought of as a joke many times before, not taken too seriously but she knew she was right and she had to prove herself. She shoved the food into Arthur’s arms, he held onto it even though he was shocked and before he got a chance she strode up to the lord, smirking and ripping his skin away from his forehead, “Bit of a distance away from home how is raxacoricofallapatorius?” She spat at his face glad she had seen through his disguise.

“Stop her!” Uther barked unable to obviously realise that the Lord was not the lord. She gulped as the alien smirked at her and watched the knights approach in the corner of her eye. Arthur who could see the alien couldn’t speak, but either way the knights were wary they had, in their minds, dismissed the idea of Amy being a threat, she was so lovely she couldn’t be evil she didn’t want the throne, but they had to follow orders.

A Guest in Camelot (Doctor Who/Merlin)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin