Chapter Ten

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Disclaimer: The BBC owns everything, I just came up with the plot idea.


Chapter Ten:

Amelia opened her chamber door but had to turn back around when she realised that she was not being followed. “Come on in.”

Arthur hesitated, his hand on the door frame “Amelia, a man should not be in your chambers at night, what would your father say?”

Amy sighed and grabbed his lower arm not his hand to ensure she didn’t give the wrong impression. “Arthur, My father would not always assume the worst. Men can be friends with Woman and not be attached that way. I just want to be friends, I really need one.”

She sighed and walked towards her bed, it would be his own decision. She heard the door shut and rolled her eyes, until she felt eyes on her back. “Glad you decided to join me.” She pulled off her ‘posh’ boots that were seen as socially acceptable to wear with her dress and then proceeded to pull back on her leather trousers. She grabbed the shirt from earlier which was slightly creased and threw it at the partition in the room that she could get changed behind. She reached her fingers behind the back of the dress and tried to untie the material that had been laced, she tugged many times but could not get it undone.

“Arthur, Any good with knots?” He didn’t seem as hesitant, possibly reminding himself that they were only friends. She felt him tug a few times and the corset loosened, His hands brushed her back lightly causing her to shiver at the contact with his cold flesh. He retracts his hand quickly, clasping his other behind his back. “Thank you.” She breathes as she disappeared behind the partition. Behind it she breathed out changing quickly, soon she returned with the dress draped over her arms and the shirt buttoned up apart from the top one. She placed the dress down on a chair and then sat legs crossed on the bed. “So what did you want to know?”

Arthur scratches the back of his head, leaning against one of the posts of her bed yet looking uncomfortable. “I don’t really know, more I suppose.”

She shakes her head and pulls a face, telling her life story could be difficult. She pats the bed beckoning for him to sit beside her. “This may take a while. I can't tell you it all but I used to travel to all these different places encountering several creatures, some like what you’ve, that was a strange life, in a strange box, with a strange man."

"Your Husband?" The question flowed and she was glad to be allowed to keep talking, however at his mention Amy frowned slightly.

"No, He travelled with us too, but this man although he looked like us he wasn't, he's no threat to humans he protects us." She thought of how he tried to bring mercy and how he protected humans, some were idiots intent on destruction but they still were saved.

"But you are married." Arthur questions lifting her left hand and touching the ring.

Gently lowering her hand "Well that does depends on a few specifics."

"Such as?"

"If you were to look at a list of times at this current date, I have yet to be born so I have yet to wed, I don't know if I'll ever see him again. Am I a widow or he a widower? Vows mention nothing of separation by time."

Maybe she could find him, the centurion him and tell him when to return then he could rescue her all she needed to do was find the – Oh wait that’s a different universe with all times running together, she need not worry about disrupting her timeline, she couldn’t it was a paradox. But there should be some way, where had they travelled to in the past? Could she get a message to Leonardo Da Vinci, or leave a note somewhere for the doctor? And what about River, the woman who should be locked up yet always is travelling, she could find a regeneration of her and give her a message. If only she knew what to do, she never planned things out too much, she preferred acting in the spur of the moment.

She leant her head on the Princes shoulder, he jumped slightly but didn’t move away, they leant back and she allowed the cover of the bed to blend into a mix of colours. “Arthur I’m so lost, will I see anyone I know ever again. I barely know anyone here, I won’t pass someone in the street and recognise them from a childhood memory, soon I’ll forget little events and no longer be able to reminisce. I’ll have died before I was even born. I knew it could happen, Hell I expected it to, but not without Rory, not alone, I don’t think I can do this.”

She slowly started to cry as she spoke making it difficult for Arthur to understand what she was saying however he got a grasp of what was wrong and slowly stroked her hair with affection. He spoke lightly as she started to fall asleep. “It’s going to be okay Amelia, I will look after you, and you’ve at least got one friend here in Camelot.”

She drifted off into a light dream, comfortable with someone next to her. She dreamt of the man in the bow tie and the Roman in a big but little blue box, and although it was happy and familiar, she felt lost and distant, she missed her boys.

A Guest in Camelot (Doctor Who/Merlin)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora