4;45 A.M.

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Chapter 7

Cass's POV

Fvck. It's 4;45 a.m

What on earth am I gonna do on this ungodly hour?!

I woke myself up at this time!


I walked towards one of the big windows of my room .


The sun hasn't risen up yet.

I walked towards my bed and at the edge of it.


I hurriedly covered myself with the bed covers.

I'm not a scaredy cat!

Okay, I am.

Just a bit. I tried to peek outside the covers . . . .

"Hello, Dark Cassandra Samuels"

The freaky ghoul . . . .

Wait . . .

It's the same thing I saw earlier at the car!

"What are you?"

I asked the 'thing' that was seated at my chair beside my little table with my lamp that is the only source of light at the moment.

"I think the question should be who am I?"

The 'thing' said

"So who are you?"

I asked

"I'm your Dark Angel"

"What do you want from me?"

I asked trying to disguise my fear .

"I don't want anything from you. I'm sent here to collect something"

What's that something?

"What is it?"

"Your life"

The Dark Angel answered, a tear fell from my right eye. I wiped it off.


I asked

"You will know then."

"Why not now?"

"Because it's not my decision"

I just stared at the ceiling for a while , he sat at the chair which is facing towards one of the windows . .

"Are you okay?"

He suddenly asked without facing me. . .

Seriously? Did he just ask me that? I threw my lamp at him and it just got through his head. Fvck!

And yeah, you heard me, the Dark Angel is a 'he'.

"Why did you do that?!"

The Dark Angel asked me , facing me this time.

Well, why did I just do that?

Well, It's quite dramatic. . .


I'm inside my 'playroom' trying to play with my sky-blue teddy bear. .

I keep on poking its eyes, punched its belly. . .

And i'm still confused . .

"Knock, knock"

I looked towards the open door, Its daddy. .

"Are you okay? baby?"

Daddy asked then, sat beside me on the floor.

"Well, daddy. . uhm, why does my teddy keeps on smiling even though I keep on poking it's eyes, ears and punch its belly?"

/See? Ang O.A ko ano? But who can blame a 5 year old girl for asking such question?/

"Well baby girl, your teddy is a constant reminder that even though, you've hurt someone and still smiles back at you. It means that they understand's you. Because they love you'"

"Daddy...... that's a lot to take in!!!!!!!"

Then Daddy just laughed at me .


Di niyo na gets , ano'?

That question reminded me to hope for somebody , someone outthere that would understand me. That would fully understands me!


nobody will understand somebody because they ain't wearing the same shoes!

What I mean, they aren't on the same situations that could easily relate anything at all!

There was this incident , at school? yes that was at school.

My bestfriend asked me the same question , the very same question my dad asked me. . .

I slapped her.

She cried and ran. .

I blacked out.

Of course, I apologized then it went over a month til' she forgave me.

"NO ONE ASK'S ME THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

i SHOUTED THEN THREW THE CHAIR AT THE Dark Angel then, it still got through his body. Fvck, I forgot he's like a ghost!

"You really are a brat. You can't always do your ways little lady. Nothing. . . .

stays the same."


"Milady, are you alright? Do you need anything?"

The maid . . I nearly lost my mind my Grannie's still sleeping!

"I don't need you here! GO AWAY!"

"Of course milady"

Then I heard descending footsteps . .

I looked at my room.

The sun has risen up already.

Wait. . Where is he?!!!


I shouted.

Then the door went open.

"What is going on here?"

I just woke my Grandmother up. FVCK!

"Oh, nothing at all Grannie'."

I just woke my grannie up.

"Oh nothing at all grannie, everything's fine"

"Oh. And why is there a wrecked chair and broken lamp pieces everywhere?"

"Well, its kind of my morning thing grannie. I let out some strong , very . . very strong feelings to be fine throughout the day"

"Well, then should I try it?"

"Ah, definitely no grannie, No."

"Are you sure your okay?"

"Of course grannie, Why don't we eat breakfast? I'm famished."

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