Chapter 8

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"Yep, tomorrow" Flaky repeated to which Jun's stomach started doing flips. "I completely forgotー" "It's okay monsieur Jun, if you speedrun it you can make it, oui oui!" Rocky says patting Jun's back with their incredibly large and stone-like hands. "If you think about it maybe you can skip to the next day with everything you need already finished?" Flaky suggested.

So the next day Jun walked into the building with everything he needed.

How in the fuck did that happen? Either way, I'm not disappointed.

Jun walked up to the front desk and asked where the interview for the internship would be. A friendly female Fatuu showed him the way to the internship room for the health department. Walking in Jun realized there were hardly any people here and that most of them looked terrified.

Jun gulped scared to think who's conducting the interview but took a seat near the door anyways. 2 hours passed and Jun's ass cheeks probably have left its prints on the chair already. Luckily for him, I've finally made it sure that it's his turn to be interviewed.

"How lucky, I thought there would've been more people before me." Jun says to himself.

Becuz I made it that way, the world said proudly but once again Jun couldn't hear it.

The person before me ran out of this room full of tears.. I wonder why.. Jun thought and his thoughts were answered right away when he saw who was conducting the interviews.

It was Dottore, Scaramouche and Ed Sheeranー, I mean Childe. Ruthless in whatever they do, Jun once again started feeling anxious.

Better pay, better pay, better pay, Jun repeated this multiple times in his head as his knees started feeling weak, arms heavy, vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghettiー oh I thought this was a Eminem concert, never mind, I'll see myself out.

Jun nervously sat in front of them, possibly shaking but we don't talk about that.

As he sat down, they immediately looked at him with intense gases. Though still don't know how Dottore can see with that mask on. Some awkward silence passed by for a few seconds and Jun finally found the courage to breathe a bit and fixed his posture and said "Helloー"

"You're hired"


Dumbfounded he sat there in disbelief. "You're hired comrade" Childe smiled as he fixed up the paper in front of himself. "I couldn't care less" Scaramouche said, one of his arms behind his chair and his legs crossed. He was picking on his knows and flicked the booger away.

Still made Jun's heart go doki doki.

Me, Childe and Scaramouche all in the same room?? Kyaaa! Jun thought. Though he may looked dignified right now he was trying to hold it in.

"You seem pathetic and weak but can handle shit" Dottore smiled evilly. "I can't wait to boss you around" Dottore added showing his sharp teeth that send shivers down Jun's spine. "Boss me around?" Jun repeated, probably scared of his life. "Well comrade he's the one in charge of the Healthcare department of the Association"  Childe said gleefully.

Jun's almost broke his composure, scared for his life, I had to timeskip the next day.

Jun woke up for the day and felt something heavy on him. He looked to see who it was and saw the jet black hair and heterochromia eyes and a smug look on the person's face.

"Hello daddy~"


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2022 ⏰

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