Chapter 3

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"My first time..?" Jun asked.

"Yes, first time in knowing what to do and what not to do" Prof. Thoma said. "Uhm.. Yes, it's not my first time knowing about this, I have worked in Healthcare for a while now" Jun says in return. Prof. Thoma gave Jun a smile and went to leave the classroom. "I'd be expecting more from you from now on" He says with a cheeky smile as he left. Jun's heart was pounding. Though he looked dazed, in his mind he was squealing like a 10-year-old that got noticed by their crush. Jun shook his head and decided to finally leave the classroom. "Right, I have free period right now" Jun told himself as he walked out.

He decided to go to the library and connect to the school's wifi to watch shows and talk with online friends. Unexpectedly coming across Sam on his way there. "Oh hey Jun" Sam says. "Oh Sam! I didn't know you were in this college too" Jun replied. "Yeah, I'm taking a degree in culinary" Sam scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. "Where are you going?" Sam asked. "The library" Jun answered.

"Oh.. Then can I join you?"

"Sure, I don't mind, I was planning on talking with online friends and watch shows for a bit"

And with that, they went to the library together. Sam was studying the books he bought with him while Jun busted out his laptop and also his headphones. Connected it to his laptop and logged into discord. What he did not notice is that Sam was looking at him in admiration as he chatted happily with online friends along with the change of expressions he made as he watched his shows. Sam can't help but chuckle at how adorable he is.

Free period came so quickly and passed so quickly. Jun has to go to his next class right now and it's a class for emergency procedures. Jun said his farewells to Sam and arrived to class oh to see that people are already seated. He hurriedly went to an empty seat and also joined in waiting for the teacher. In came the orange haired man he saw earlier today, dishevelled and looked like he just finished a make-out session with someone else. Jun can't help but scoff, not understanding why he's in this class. Sadly the only empty seat that was left was next to his where the man hurries into before the teacher came.

The red head as noticed the one sitting next to him and have him a sly smirk. "New to this campus?" The man purred, showing off his Spanish accent. "Fairly" Jun replied. He didn't want to meddle with playboys. "I can show you around... If you'd like" The red head said the last one in a slight suggestive tone. Jun understood very quickly at what this man was hinting but was not in the mood for it, so he politely declined and said that he would rather explore campus on his own or ask a friend to show him around. The guy's eyes widened at his decline but went back to a usual smirk.

"Playing hard to get I see? Don't worry, I'll have you in no time. My name is Puss, but as what people call me, Puss in boots" Puss says, his spanish accent showing even more.

Then the teacher arrived but Puss won't stop bothering him.

This is gonna be a long class Jun rolled his eyes and decided to block out Puss.

It was almost the end of the day and Jun has his final and last class. He was thankful he didn't share anymore classes with the aforementioned Puss in boots. Though this one though was a Japanese class he decided to take, for the sake of fun and also learning. He entered into the classroom and saw Mickey there and also a bowl cut purple haired guy with eyes that are sharp but also would remind one of lavender fields. This is the one Jun fell hard for. Though the man looked like he was short but he was not short as Mickey. He was handsome, adorable along with being so bulliable that Jun can't help but feel his heart beat faster than it had ever before.

He felt like he was going to have a heart attack just by looking at him but still stay alive due to how much he wanted to look at him. Jun decided to have a seat across Mickey. He shouldn't bother talking to the man for the moment, the right time shall come. Soon students started coming in and waited for the teacher. Jun talked a bit here and there with Mickey but it all quieted down as the teacher opened the door. Jun stole a quick glance at the man he saw earlier and blushed at his sight, feeling like a little school girl.

Jun then focuses his attention back to the teacher and can't help but sweat. What in heaven's name... Jun asked in his head. The teacher wearing a green owl costume and holding a book in one of their... Wing?

"Hello class, I am Duolingo, and I shall be your teacher for your Japanese class"

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