Intro 1

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Hi so this will be the first chapter of this romione story
So have fun reading,
Credits go to J.K Rowling for the character and parts of the story,
And the image rights go to tae rhr.
And its just the same storry as Du bist Mein Licht in der Dunkelheit just in English.
Sorry when the Grammar or something else isn't corect.
So that was it with all the talking have fun reading (feedback in the comments.)

Hermione Pov:
Rosie comes running and says "mum I want to hear more stories of you and dad" then hugo yells "yeah me too how was it after the battle of hogwarts?"
I think about it but before I can say anything Ron says "Well how about a story  how your mother and I got together?"  I have to smile and think back to our first kiss, the first I love you.  The butterflies that I can still feel with him today. I am torn out of my thoughts when the children shout "Yes, story, story" suddenly two strong, warm arms wrap themselves around me from behind, and there are the butterflies again.  "Well honey how about we all snuggle up here in front of the fireplace and the kids get what they want" I smile and collapse onto the couch after he lets go of me.  He starts to laugh, after which the children and I shout "cocoa and cover" at the same time.  After he came back and snuggled under the covers with us, we begin to tell the storry. _______________________________________
love to you all the story begins in the next chapter.
I hope you liked the intro
See you in the next chapter.

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