Travel 7

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Hi folks, rights are clear as always (story and characters J.k.rowling. Art Tae rhr.)
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Ron's pov:
I sat on my bed packing for the Australia trip with Hermione.
I knew it was hard for her, so I learned the spells myself to give her parents the memories back. I was in my thoughts but a beautiful voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Ron, we're leaving tomorrow, how about the port key? I'm so scared that they won't remember me, that I'll screw it up and that we won't find them at all and that they'll be mad at me and kick me out and and "

then she started crying i jumped up hugged her kissed her on the head and whispered.

"All right, the portkey is a glove, it's on my desk and it starts tomorrow at 11, you can do that with the memories, I have the spells
also learned so relax.
We will find them and if not, Kingsley will help us and sesrch them with the help of the magician minister
we are 100 percent, maybe they're mad but it will pass and they won't kick you out, they love you too much for that. No matter what happens we will find a solution together ok!?"

She had no more tears running down her face and the desperate expression on her face was replaced by a stunned one then she smiled at me and whispered

"I love you Ron you're awesome thanks for coming along and being so great."

I laughed and whispered

"you're a billion times better than me and I love you too Hermione"

she gave me a playful slap on the upper arm, I acted like it hurt terribly, we laughed then collapsed onto my bed and kissed us.

The next morning at 11:55 in Australia at the office.

"Hello what do you want"

asked the womman behind the desk Ron had Harry's invisibility cloak on and was looking for Vendel and Monika...

"Hello, I'm a relative of Monika and Wendel... and wanted to know where they live because I broke my cell phone with my addresses and now I don't know where to go."

"Excuse me, but I need your ID card"

but then Ron gave a thumbs up and hermione said

"Anyway, I'll try to find out for myself."

Two blocks down Ron came out of the invisibility cloak waving the files and handed them to Hermione

"here mione"

" thanks Ron ok well then where is there house ... ... ..."

"oh ha that's over there look"

when they got to the address, they saw Hermione's parents enter the house.

"okay there they are"

Hermione knocked, her parents came out and gave her a questioning look. She started to cry, Ron raised his wand and cast the formula, her parents staggered backwards, Hermione followed them as did Ron.

"Mom, Dad?"
suddenly her parents started crying and shouting

"Mione you are here, we missed you so much, what happened, where are we?"

Hermione hugged her parents and cried so hard she couldn't talk so Ron said"

"Hi Miss and Mr Granger, how about we all sit down and then we'll explain!?"

Everyone nodded and sat down then Ron told the story
everything that happened except the kiss between him and Hermione because he didn't want to upset her parents any more.

"Oh mione we love you so much come here"

her mother whispered, the family hugged, I felt a bit like the 5 wheeler but I didn't care right now because I was so happy for Hermione.

Yay and one more chapter
Much love

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