Kids 14

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rights as always.
Have fun reading 📖.
That's the last chapter.
Thank you for being here so far ❤️
-----------------------------------14---------------------------  -----
A normal day in the Weasley-Granger family.

At 11 her 30 Rose is 10 and Hugo is 8
It's a Saturday at breakfast.

Narrator's pov:

"So Hugo Rose please get ready after dinner. We're going to the zoo today."

"Woohoo Zooo."

shouted Hugo Rose rolled his eyes.

"Mam, we have to go there, can't we go to Diagon Alley? I want to buy new books."

"Last week we were in Diagon Alley and your brother really wants to go to the zoo and you hate unread books on your shelf Rosie"

Hermione said to her daughter Hugo looked very happy and Ron was sitting there
and smiled to himself.

Later at the zoo

Hugo jumped around among the different animals and screamed

"Look here and there... how cool... I want to pet that."

Rose had put her book in her backpack and was looking at the animals with interest.

Ron's pov:

I saw the children running back and forth excitedly even Rosie don't leave a wonder of the world it all felt perfect the love of my life next to me and our wonderful children in front of us. Suddenly a question went through my head so I asked mine.

"Tell me darling, what is your favorite animal?"

"My Patronus is an Otter and is your favorite animal a Jackrussel Terrier?"

"Yeah right! And what's your favorite pet Rosie?"

Rose ran up to me and said

" Cat"

She answered briefly and then looked back at the elephants to our left.

"Well, I like dogs more."

shouted Hugo

"We'll probably argue with your mother and sister."

I laughed softly and
as we walked so long i realized what a great family i had.

Hermione's pov:

I held Ron's hand out to me the elephants and enjoyed time with my Perfect Family.


Narrator POV :

The Granger Weasley family sat on the couch laughing together.

Then Ron said

"So that was some of the best moments in our lives from the time after our first kiss bite yesterday so and now you have to go to bed"

Ron picked up Rose and Hugo and took them to their rooms.


So that's it sorry for the short chapters I hope you liked the book.

In any case, I had a lot of fun writing it, thanks for reading.

Much love to you all ❤️.
Until the next story byee byee.

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