Wedding 13

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rights as always.
Have fun reading 📖.
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Narrator's POV :

Hermione stood in her wedding dress
In Ginny and my previous room, Ginny was standing next to me and I was freaking out.

"What if he says no what if he doesn't love me what if -"

"Stop mine everything will be alright he loves you more than anything to be honest I don't worry about him I mean really he was lucky to have someone like you I mean what do you see in him?"

"He's Loyal, cute, hot, honest, funny... and so much more but I'm just a know-it-all"

"Look at you you're beautiful and you're super smart and ambitious and loyal and you can cook for Ron's that's a huge plus point."

Ginny laughed out loud and Hermione hit her lightly,

Ron's pov :

I've never been so nervous in my life, not even at the Battle of Hogwarts Harry and I had talked before but it didn't really help.

I walked out of the Burrow into the wedding tent, took my seat and there she came, I had to pull myself together not to gape in amazement, she looked stunning, her long white dress looked perfect on her.  (Dress as in the picture above.)

She ran towards me, my mother cried and I was about to realize that I was too happy because from that day on I would share the rest of my life with the love of my life.

She came up to me and I took her hands, we both smiled like honey cake horses, the vicar was talking and everything flew past me until he said.

"Do you Ronald Billius Weasley, want Hermione Jean Granger to be your lawful wife?"

"Yes I do"

"Do you  Hermione Jean Granger want Ronald Billius Weasley to be your lawful husband?"

Now it comes ahhh I was dying of nervousness and then

" Yes I do"

The rings were exchanged and we really really married wow.

"You may now kiss the bride."

And our first kiss as a married couple it was amazing best kiss ever we broke apart
and then Hermione threw the bunch of flowers and my sister caught it well coincidentally you were right Harry was going to propose to her today I turned to him and said

"go bro now is the perfect moment ask her"

"Thanks bro"

Harry ran to Ginny and got on one knee, pulled out a ring and

"Ginnevra Molly Weasley you are the love of my life i have loved you for years now you want to make me the happiest man alive and marry me."

"I thought you'd never ask i was about to buy you a ring, of course I want to marry you"

Harry put the ring on her and after mine kissed me I thought I couldn't be happier but now I'm really happy for Hinny and that my sister found a great guy

There was a lot of crying, congratulations and dancing.


Thank you for reading this, it really means a lot to me.

Enjoy the next and final chapter.

Lots of love ❤️❤️

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