Burrow 6

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rights as always.
Have fun reading 📖.

Next morning:
Hermione pov:
I woke up with an indescribable feeling!
Wait was that just a dream? Did we actually kiss it felt so real.

"Good morning Hermione"

Ginny said, snapping me out of my thoughts, I greeted her back

"Good morning Ginny"

"Hey Mine, is there a reason you're so happy?"

Ginny said as she changed

"yes your brother kissed me yesterday and we are together"

I said while my smile got bigger, Ginny smiled and said

"I'm happy for you because you like him very much, but please explain to me how you can find such a complete idiot good!?"

Then she laughed and I threw a pillow at her head.


We went behind the house and I took her hands and said

"Hi babe!?"

she hugged me, stayed that way and whispered

"Hi Ron"

and then she did something very atypical she turned us so that she pressed me against the wall of the house and kissed me, it was a great feeling and an affirming feeling as if she were saying

"I really love you Ron."

Hermione's pov:

I never thought I would do something like this but it was great.
Then he did the same thing, pressed me against the wall of the house. It was just awesome, I pressed him against the wall in front of me with his hands in my hair. But unfortunately this also had an end when mrs. Weasley from inside shouted that dinner was ready.

Ron's pov:

I slowly pulled away from Hermione and said

"too bad that there is already food"

I smiled mischievously Hermione laughed hugged me one last time giving me a quick kiss and said

"I wouldn't have thought that you weren't hungry"

and went towards the house.
While eating, all I could think about was her, not just her pretty looks or her awesome kisses, no, those weren't the only reasons I fell for her, because I also love her know-it-all and her quirky side, the side where we both bring out the best in each other i love that she is always twirls her curls in her fingers and wrinkling her nose when she is concentrating. I love that she doesn't let anything get her down, no matter how difficult. I just love everything about her. Then I noticed that I was staring at her, I wanted to avert my eyes but she noticed and blushed, oh she's so cute when she blushes


Hermione's pov:

I got up and put my plate away and was about to ask ron if we wanted to go for a little walk when Ginny grabbed my hand and pulled me into our room.

"And I want to know everything"

she said. I was confused and asked

"What do you wanna knowe? "

"Well, you know how you got together, how's it going, what were you doing behind the shed..."

Hermione told the story...
Hermione's pov

"Ewwww I didn't know I could find my brother more disgusting but apparently it does."

She laughed and then I threw a pillow at her and a pillow fight started.

With Harry and Ron
Ron's pov

"Ron I'm happy for you and Mione but do you think this will work out?" said Harry

"Yeah sure that will work I mean I love her! and she loves me?"

Now I had doubts what if she doesn't love me after all? and thinks i'm not good enough for her ? What if she loves Vicki (idiot) what am I next to Harry or anyone else? Maybe she's going to break up soon and was just out of pity on me...

"Hey Ron Hello earth to Ron."

Harry yelled in my ear, snapping me out of my thoughts.
So I said

"Harry wath if you're right and she only dated me out of pity and..."
"Then I'll interrupt you right away, so that I don't mean it at all, but rather whether you're going to get along with a relationship after the death of your brother!?"

I stared at him in amazement was he serious? I mean the only one that helps me deal with fred's death a little is Hermione why should I give up the love of my life!?

"Harry I love her and she helps me without her i would be a mess when it comes to Fred"

my heart and stomach clenched at the thought of Fred but went away when I thought of Hermione.
Harry looked at me in surprise.

"Well then, congratulations bro."

The next few days almost always passed the same, the two talked kissed hanging out with Hinny and it was evening.

One week later.
Hermione's pov

"Heeeeey Ron"

I was nervous
"Hi, mine, what's up"

"Ron I want to look for my parents in Australia in 2 days."

"Oh mine, I'm so sorry, I totally forgot about the trip. Sorry, but I'll definitely come with you"

he smiled embarrassed at what I found totally cute

"Ron do you really want to come with me"

"Yeah, definitely! Unless you don't want me around?"

Then I had to laugh at his facial expression and said laughing

"Of course I want you to be there."

"ok perfect well then it starts in two days."

We kissed, then we had dinner

_______________________________________Ok next chapter.
Love you very much.
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Much love until next time

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