Chapter 4(Michael's POV)

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I'm in my fathers study when i hear the door open. "Car! Car!" Great my sister is here. I finish reading the paragraph in my great-grandfathers journal and close it.

I exit the study and see my younger brother, Carter, run by. I still hear talking. It's Bri and my older brother Johnathan. I decide to go back into the study. They were always closer than me and her anyways.

Well not always. After 8, maybe, when our family started to favor me over her. When all my parents did was argue. When our family started to break apart. Bridget is my twin sister. We used to do everything together. We used to wear the same colors and we only talked to each other. Now if i see her she's being pushed into a car. My dad, Nick, Uncle Drac, and most of the council don't want her here. I don't know why but they make the point clear and always feel the need to deny it.

I continue to read the journal. My great-grandfather, Logan, wrote down everything from when he was alpha. He wrote about how he kept the pack intact. I read it mostly to hear his stories of his adventures. He traveled a lot. It was all on pack business but he did get a chance to discover many things. From hidden passageways to a waterfall behind a tree as old and his great-grandfather.

I want to be like that. Not an alpha but an explorer. Okay maybe not an explorer but i want to travel. I want to discover natures secrets and pass those secrets down to my children so they can pass it down to their children and so on.

I used to think my dad was the greatest alpha until i got this journal for my 13th birthday from my eldest brother Nicholas. Nick gave it to me and said "A great alpha learns from other great alphas." I never wanted to be alpha. As the 3rd son i was far down the list but i took it anyways.

When i finish reading the entry in the journal i close it again and decide to go for to the woods to blow off some steam. I jog to the edge of the property. Directly on the property line is a boulder.

I take off the backpack i brought with me and stuff all my clothes into it. Inside there is also a gallon of water and two turkey sandwiches. I decided to pack light.

I shift into my wolf. It's just a grey wolf like my brothers. It's not big like an alpha should be but i like it. It's perfect for me to slip through trees and underneath rocks.

I run laps around the perimeter of our property until i hear my brother calling me.

"Mike i need your help." I see my brother Johnny waving to me.

I shift back. "What's wrong?"

"Mom and dad are in the house arguing and Nick is not back form dropping Bri off. If they kill each other he will be alpha and i can wait a couple more years till that happens." This is bad.

I circle back to the boulder, change and follow him to the house.

I stop in front of the steps. If I can hear them from out here then there is a chance the rest of the pack can. Arguing with his ex-wife is not a good look for my dad.

Johnny grabs my hand and pulls. "Come on."

When we enter the house my parents are a couple feet away from each other and attacking each other verbally. Johnny and I exchange a look and both move to grab a parent. I grab my mother who is closer to me.

"Michael let go of me. We are both adults and we can have a civil argument if we want."

Johnny turns to me and my mother. "If you were really adults you would know that this argument is anything but civil." I wonder why Johnny went to get me because he is is always so good in these situations.

"I just wanted to get Bri's phone but your father had to turn it into my 'need' to constantly be around him."

My little brother walks down the steps at that moment with a doughnut in one hand and his nerf gun in the other.

"Carter go to bed honey, it's too late for you to be up."

"Its only 10:30." My brothers argument wasn't as solid as he thought.

"You are only 10 and you shouldn't be up this late."

"Dad let's me stay up till 11:30." Not a good idea Car. Not. At. All.

"Well i'm telling you to-"

"Leave him alone. He had a nap today he'll be fine."

"Why do you always have to undermine my authority over our children?"

"I don't, i just-" This wasn't going to be good. The hole my dad was digging was big enough to fit all of us and i didn't want to be buried in a mass grave.

"Guys stop." I looked to Johnny for what to do but he simply shrugged. I turned to my little brother. "Lisle go to sleep."

"Okay Mikey." He turned, walked up the stairs and turned into his room.

"Mom do you have Bri's phone?"


"Okay then i'll see you tomorrow." I shuffled her to the door. I opened it and escorted her to her car. She thanked me and drove off.

I returned to the house to find Johnny sitting on the floor. "Jeez bro."

Not the words i would have used but "Jeez bro" was right.

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