Chapter 8 (Michael's POV)

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I just finished "Alpha Training" and I was leaving the gym. Training was a joke. All of it is dumb. My little brother tries his hardest to copy my eldest brother Nick who is lifting way to much weight. My older brother, Johnathen, sits behind the mats and reads. I run around the gym a few times before my uncle Drac comes in and yells "Stop running and muscle up like Nick."

My uncle Drac & my dad would love it if I gained a few pounds and bulked up but my agility is my strong point. I wouldn't know how to maneuver all that weight. I wouldn't know which slits in between wall that I can fit through.

I walk out to jog for a while but soon after I start my sister runs into me.

"Get. Out. Of. The. Way!" What's up with her? She never yells at me.

"Sorry. Why are you running anyways?"

"I just want go home. Leave me alone." I got up to see if she was okay but she was crying.

"Why are you crying? Did I hurt you?" I checked her for cuts or bruises.

"No it's dad. He just told me that he doesn't want to here. He basically just said 'I hate you. You are a waste of space'."

I don't doubt that he said that at all but why would he? He's never been hostile towards us especially But. I anything he ignores her but even that hurts him. "Why did he say that?"

"He's having some stupid gathering and he didn't want me there."

"Gathering? Oh you mean the meeting."

"Meeting. Gathering. Whatever it is he still hates me." I stay silent. If if I say something about it she might freak out. "Why didn't you ask me what I did?"

"What?" What's she talking about?

"Usually when I'm upset after talking to dad and I tell Nick what happened he asks what I did."

"Well I'm not Nick." I look at my shoes the mumble "But no one seems to get that." to myself.

"I have to go. If it means anything to you I think you are ten times better than Nick."

"Thanks and it does. It means a lot."

She turns and starts running again. I do the same but instead of running around another lap I go straight to the conference hall. I see my dad outside shaking hands with some guy. As I get closer I realize it's a young man. He has dark brown hair that is a few shades away from black. He's tall. Much taller than me. When I finally get to them I see who it is and immediately I know the importance of the meeting.

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