Chapter 9 (Bridget's POV)

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I felt like I ran for hours and I didn't stop until I got to the coffee shop. It was my day off so everyone was suprised when I ran through the doors for the second time today. It also didn't help that I had tears in my eyes. 

Quinn walked over to me and asked if I wanted to talk but there wasn't anyone in this world that could understand my situation and help me. I just ordered a hot chocolate and a piece of fudge brownie. If it was the last thing I ever did I was going to eat my sorrows away in the comfort of a small cafe no one has heard of. 

I sat there as time came and went. Business was booming ever since we go that billboard which sucked for me because this was the one time I wanted to be alone. A crowded cafe is the worst place to think about your problems but I had nowhere else to go. I decided some work would help take my mind off of things so I told Quinn that I'll clock in and help out.

40 bagels, 28 donuts and an infinate amount of coffee later business slowed down and I thought that my day couldn't get anymore eventful. Just as I came out from the back a customer came in. 

He was young about 20 and he had black suit on. He looked like he was the only person in the world that was having a worse day than me. He was on the phone and his head was down but he groaned and moaned like he was being tortured. Every other word he said was dad so it must've been a conversation with his father. 

When he looked up I felt like I was gonna pass out. The feeling was like the most intense set of chills but also a thousand hot flashes. All this was happening but my body felt stiff as a rock. I also must've been staring because Quinn shook me. 

"Bri no matter how attractive a customer is we don't stare. I could have sworn that was in your orientation handbook. You're lucky he seems as infatuated with you."

"Yeah yeah dad I'll call you back." He hung up the phone and started walking closer. 

"Um I left something in the back, can you handle him Quinn?" I sped towards the back room not waiting for an answer.

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