Chapter 5(Bridget's POV)

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I am in the car waiting for my mom to come and bring me to school. I heard her come in last night. She was yelling something about "her rights as a mother". When she came in to check on me i just pretended to sleep. I thought it would be best to avoid the drama.

She comes down in her robe and opens the car door. "Have you seen my keys?"

"They are always on the hook by the door."

"Well they aren't today."

"Where did you last have them?"

"You think if I knew that I would be asking you for them?"

"Sorry..." I sat back in my seat and pulled out a book I had in my bag. I started to read it.

"No i'm sorry. I'll go look again." She shut the car door and 8 minutes later she came downstairs fully clothed in a floral romper with her bag and her keys in one hand. My phone was in the other. "They were on the kitchen counter."

I looked up from my book and said "Oh." I looked back down and continued to read.

"Here's your phone. I was going to give it to you last night but you were sleeping." She handed it to me.

I looked back up from my book and said "Yeah...that's what humans do at night."

"Last time i checked we weren't human." She sat in the front seat of the car. She closed the car door and looked over to me. I could sense her eyes on me. She just stared.

"I'm going to be late."

"Oh...Right...I'm sorry." She started the car and we began one of the longest car rides i have ever had in my short but eventful life.

When we finally got to the school I was in fact 12 minutes late. My mom went to the office and tried to explain why but i'm in high school and they don't care. Me knowing this fact just walked straight to class."Bye mom."

"See you later Bri."

I got to class and about ten kids were in first period. That was no surprise to me. Most of the kid in that class show up 30 minutes into class. I walked in and nobody looked up.That was also no surprise because the kids in this class care about health just as much as i do and that number is very,very low.

I wave to the teacher an sit in my seat in the front corner of the room. I didn't chose this seat but i came in after everybody else and they all filed into the back. I put my head down and think because we learn absolutely nothing in this class.

I think of another way i can sneak to my dad's house. If i run there afterschool, call in sick to work and then tell my mom i'm working till 6:30 and me and my coworkers were going out for dinner together till 8:00. That would buy me 5 hours but i used that last month and it was to soon to us it again. I could tell her i didnt feel well and that i want to stay home. She gets off at 6 which would buy me 3 hours but she would come home early to take care of me. I could just ask my parents to allow me to go to my father's house. The bell rang just when i thought about how laughable that was.

I get up, wave to my teacher again and walk out the door. In the hallway i shuffle past about 40 kids until i reach the physics room. I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, slow down." I turn to find Emilia behind me.

"I thought you switched out already."

"Nope. 2 more weeks."

Emilia has to be the oldest friend i have. Our parents used to arrange play dates for us when we were two. At four our parents got into an argument and that stopped. At six Ems switched into my school and got put in my class. We were inseparable until we were nine and her father took her out of public school

so she could attend her pack's school. it's been like that for years now. Her parents are moving her back to the pack's school so she could be closer to them.

I don't blame them. If i had a choice i would attend our pack's school but my parents decided against it. They said they wanted me to have a "normal life". As normal as my life could be considering i'm a werewolf who can't go anywhere alone.

We begin to walk down the hall. "I don't understand why you can't just stay. I heard colleges look at you differently if you switch high schools."

"I doubt it."

"I'm serious i read an article. Well someone i know read an article."

"I don't mean that. I mean i doubt i'm going to college. You know my parents. Well you know my dad."

"No i knew your dad but i know how your dad is. Not allowing you to go to college is so wrong. It may be illegal in some states."

"You know that the states rules hold little weight over pack rules."

"Is it a rule that you can't go to college?"

"No of course not but-"

"Then we are going to get you into one."

I turned to enter my AP Calculus class and shot her my puppy dog eyes." Don't do that okay its not my fault."

I look and see Spencer sitting at a table in the back of the classroom. Emilia pushes me out of the way, blows Spence a kiss and leaves.

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