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Eight months.

That's all that took for you to build a good relationship with everyone in the palace, and with the people.

You also managed to get in contact through secret letters with Octavian a.k.a the future Augustus Caeser.

Not because you adore him, but because you want to make a deal with him.

If Egypt provides Rome with free grain and other trading needs, then maybe Rome won't invade your country.

Things are going as smoothly as possible, yet Mark Antony is ruining things for you with his pride.

You are trying to convince Cleopatra to negotiate with Octavian and give up her eldest son's right in Julius Caesar's heritage for the sake of her staying as the pharaoh of Egypt.

But, Mark Antony has a bigger effect on her than you.

You know that changing history is wrong but you still wish for a better life away from Rome's regime.

"Good evening, (Y/n)"

You ignore the roman general as you walk through the temple.

Suddenly a hand grabs your arm to stop you from moving.

"Did you not hear me? I was greeting you"

You roll your eyes as your turn around to face Mark Antony with a frown on your face.

"I did hear you, but you seem to not get the hint" he chuckles at you.

"You are still mad about my war plans?" you scoff at the question.

"You are going to be the downfall of Egypt with your idiocy, we will lose because of those plans"

Mark sneers at your insult, his grasp tightening on your arm as his blue eyes narrow.

"I'm doing everything for Egypt and Rome, Octavian is spoiled" you shook your head.

"I don't want to speak anymore"

You assert, removing your arm away from his grasp.

"You don't have to tell Cleopatra"

Your expression changes into a confused one, not getting what he is implying.

But the way his eyes gaze at you, made you feel uncovered and uncomfortable.

"Tell her what?"

"That you like me"

You give him a look of disbelief.

"Like you? You are old enough to be my father, Mark" you spat out.

Maybe Mark going to the Battle of Actium and losing is not that bad after all.

Getting rid of him will be nice.

"And you should be married with kids, but here we are-"

Mark Antony cuts himself off when he sees his lover approaching you both.

"Cleo, my love, how are you this evening?"

You turn around to see Cleopatra standing behind you with a warm smile.

"Great, and (Y/n) is one of the main reasons for that" you are surprised by her announcement.

"Me? What did I do?"

"The people love you, they even go around calling you princess (Y/n)"

You didn't know that treating the public kindly and providing them with free food would lead to that.

However, you can't blame them, they have been through a lot during the Ptolemy family regime especially during Ptolemy the fifth regimen.

Mark Antony rolls his eyes at the news, not interested in the people's comfort and happiness.

"Who cares if they like her or not, it is not like poor people's opinions matter"

You grit your teeth in anger, trying not to punch Mark Antony in the face.

Yet you fail to do so and punch him in the face as hard as you can.

"Bastard, don't speak about my people like that again or I will kill you"

You threaten before storming away angrily.

"Cleopatra, aren't you going to punish her for speaking horribly to me" Mark exclaims holding his bruised cheek.

The she-Pharoah shrugs at him.

"Well, you started it"


To Lady (Y/n) of Egypt.                   
      I have thought about what you have written in the last letter and I respect your thinking, however, Antony and Cleopatra continue to conspire against Rome.

This leaves me with no choice but to rid Egypt of them, then you and I could calmly discuss how you will provide the roman empire with its needs from grain and gold.

You stop reading the letter and frown deeply, you didn't even put in a suggestion giving Rome gold.

Someone is sure getting greedy.

I wish to request something of you, I want you to greet me and my army as we enter Egypt.

You take a deep breath and continue reading the following neatly written words in Latin.

Also, I want you to send a lock of your hair attached to a letter, written in it a good description of your whole appearance.

From your dear friend
Gaius Octavian

𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑨𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑨𝒈𝒆𓂀 𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 ! 𝑹𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑬𝒈𝒚𝒑𝒕Where stories live. Discover now