Just like Magic

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* Beep Beeep *
Ricky turned around in his sleep

* Beep Beeeeep *

"Fine, I'm on my way up " Ricky said after turing of his alarm. He looked on is Phone " 8 AM ". Ricky got ut of bed and looked through his closet, he picked out a basic white T-shirt and some basic light blue jeans and a pair of black socks.

Ricky walked out of his room and in to his kitchen, his apartment wasn't this big top floor with view over the sea, you couldn't see the whole city of LA from the apartment. Ricky was still happy with it , he's happy that he even could find a home in LA. It's very hard to find an affordable apartment here. Ricky opened the refrigerator to see what type of food he had at home. Ricky sighed, the refrigerator was empty. " Looks like I'm going to the store " Ricky said for him self. He grabbed his key and wallet and got out off his apartment and in to his car.

* At the Grocery store *

"I need eggs, some milk, some vegetables, bread, maybe som classic OJ " Ricky said to himself when he walked around the store with the shopping cart. Suddenly Ricky felt something on his shoulders.

" H-hi are you Ricky Bowen " Ricky turned around and saw a young boy, around nine years, looking at him with the boy's father beside him. " Yes that's me, and what's your name little boy " Ricky said after ruffled the boy's hair. " M-mike " the boy replied. " That's a very beautiful name Mike"

Ricky said goodbye to the little boy, Ricky went to the check-out to pay. He walked to his car and took out his Phone and opend up Twitter.

( A/NHi, I wanted to get this story started, so here are the first chapter, I know it's short and I'm still learning about how to write from perspectivs in english

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

( A/N
Hi, I wanted to get this story started, so here are the first chapter, I know it's short and I'm still learning about how to write from perspectivs in english. English is not my first language so sorry for misspelling )

RJ CASWEN || THE LINE BETWEEN USKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat