we like to give our kiddos pain, dont we?

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This oneshot takes place in Italy, 2-3 years before the guys meet

Posted: 25-9-2022

Genre: angst

TW: angst, car accident, blood, injuries, pain, amputation of limbs, uhhhhh idk man big bad car runover 

(a sumary will be provided at the end of the chapter)

Ya know what's funny? When people wish they didn't need to sleep so that they could be more productive during night time.

Do people actually think that? Remy wasn't sure. What he was sure of is that when he discovered his power, they thought exactly that. They had been terribly wrong.

Remy figured out that he had been born with super-natural abilities after a sleepover at age 10. They would go on and figure out... other things during future sleepovers, but that's a story for another time. In this case, it was quite stupid, really.

The boys had decided to play a game, to see who would be the last one to go to sleep. The one who stayed awake for the longer period of time won.

In the end, all the other kids fell asleep one at a time, the earliest at 10:30pm, the last one at around 2am... all fell asleep except for Remy, who stayed up all night watching TV and playing videogames on his friend's computer. They even won a record!

The next morning, most of the kids woke up slightly cranky and moody, or acting sloppier than usual. Remy, on the other hand, felt and acted perfectly normal, even tho he hadn't closed his eyes for longer than five minutes in the past 24h.

Over the next six years, Remy started to force themselves to the edge, to see how much they could say awake. He did research; people shouldn't be awake longer than 16 hours; if you did, your brain would begin to fail. Remy's didn't. The longest anyone had stayed awake for had been 11 days; Remy's longest had been three months and a half. At age 16, he was currently striving to beat that goal.

But beating that goal meant that- well, that he had to stay awake for nights with no end. So far, they had managed two weeks, but they were starting to get bored. Perhaps Remy didn't need sleep, but he did long for rest.

Still, he was too stubborn to give up, wanting to reach the four-month milestone before their 17th birthday, which came up in just 5 months. School had only started again a few weeks ago, no big exams nor projects due anytime soon, which meant they had long, boresome nights for himself. Dreading the thought of staying any longer inside those 4 walls which defined the spaced called "his room", they decided to go out. What harm could be done by a midnight walk to the local Starbucks?

A lot of it, apparently.

When he got the drink, Remy went to sit on the park. They didn't care if the dark shadows made it seem like there were people following him, or if the noises of the wind seemed like voices of people coming from behind. After many nights spend outside, he had learnt that it was all simple paranoia, their brain playing tricks on him. There was no real danger if you knew where to go, which Remy certainly did. And, in the rare case in which someone attempted to go against him... well, let's just say they didn't have a pocketknife for nothing.

The incident happened on their way back home, around 3am, perhaps 4. The moon was all but a thin line in the sky, either close to become fully black in the next few days, or having just reborn, Remy wasn't too sure. Stars were impossible to see, either because of the clouds or light pollution, but the moon shone as bright as ever.

That was mainly the reason why Remy didn't look as they crossed the road, his eyes too focused on the sky up ahead. I mean... why would he have to look at the road in the first place? It was way too late for anyone to be going back home, and too early for someone to be heading over to work. There wasn't another soul awake to be seen outside, let alone inside a car. The rare times Remy had seen one driving at these hours, they had headlights on, so easily distinguished from the darkness that surrounded everything else. He expected that, in the rare case that someone would be out during this time, they would at least have the decency to let themselves be known.

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