Analogical meeting

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Sup fam, i'm finally writing something in chronological order, get ready for more chronolohically-acurate shit comming up at some point

Placing in timeline: Logan and Virgil start the oneshot at age 11-12 , by the end they're more like 14 or so, idk

Date of publishing: 

TW: some slight misgendering up and around cause we're going on the terms on how the kiddos saw themselves at this age, therefore there's a lil missgendering and all (Ann is virgil)

Ann was sitting alone in a corner of the classroom, right against the window. The kid next to them was truly annoying, she wouldn't stop talking to the girl behind them, Ann coudln't care less about their conversation. 

They had started chattering little after the teacher finished explaining the instructions for some project they were supposed to do for this class, one on the inner workings of the human body. They were supposed to make a poster on any system of their choosing, for example the nervous system, which is the ones the girls were disscusing. 

Unfortunately, this was a group project.

Ann had started at this school little less than a month ago, and they still didn't like anyone there. Everyone around was just so loud, and annoying... Besides, who'd want to mess with the new kid?

The first day of class, they had all gathered around Ann -a new kid was always an object of interest- but this curiosity quickly died off. Ann was a short kid, with long, coal black hair, thin black eyes and a scowl as a resting face. They always wore beanies or hoodies to hide the long hair, clothes mostly black. Not only did they not seem approachable, but they didn't really have interest on getting new friends; no one in this classroom was worth their attention.

Tiredly, Ann got up from their chair and walked over to the teacher's desk. The science teacher, Miss Smith, was a middle-aged black woman with long braided hair, golden glasses, and an affinity for big earrings. She looked up from the papers she was working with, exams from another class, they guess, when Ann came by.

"Ann, dear," She smiled, putting on her glasses, "What do you need? Any doubts on the task?"

"Um... Sort of-" Ann muttered, "There's not actually-"

"You're going to need to speak up, dear. I can't hear you over the noise"

Ann had to resist the urge to roll their eyes. They hated this project, this school, and how the teacher would always address the students as "dear". Was she trying to be nice? Perhaps. But oh boy, did Ann hate it.

"There's no one for me to do the project with," Ann said, more like stated, raising their voice just enough, "I was wondering if I could do it alone?"

"Oh, this is perfect," Miss Smith smiled, standing up of her desk. There was no malice in her voice, just genuine happiness. Ann frowned, "Come with me, dear"

"Perfect? What do you mean perfect?" They asked, following her

"There's another boy who always ends up doing projects alone, so the fact that you two are alone is great, you can do it together and have all the class work in pairs," She explained, going to the back of the class.

Ann sunk in their hoodie. Great. This was just perfect- Not only did they have to interact with someone else, but the other person wanted to do it alone too. Ann hadn't seen anyone else walk up to the teacher, which meant that this other kid worked alone often. They took this as a bad sign; either they worked alone because no one else wanted to work with them, which meant this other kid was going to be rude and unlikeable, or they were self-sufficient, and a burden like Ann would only anger them.

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