Chapter 3: TNT

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Doni laughed at his friend Kiply. "She has no idea!" He said. Doni was disguised as a chicken to fit into Kiply's farm. "Okay, I need more wheat to get cows." said Kiply. She went to see if any of her wheat had grown. "One piece of wheat will do." Kiply said as she grabbed the one piece of wheat.
"Okay, perfect she's leaving the house." Doni said. He undisguised himself and went into Kiply's house. "Alright, sorry, Kiply." Doni said as he started placing TNT in her house. Then, he spawned a cow in the house and put down a sign that said, "The cow did it." He put down a pressure plate and ran out of her house as fast as he could. When Kiply returned, she saw the TNT and said, "Why Doni...?" She opened her door and read the sign. "Oh, so you're blaming it on the cow?" Kipy said. She avoided the pressure plate and began removing the TNT. When she was done, she led the cow to her farm and put it in its kennel. "Well, that's enough work for today." Kiply said.

Kiply left the game

Doni decided to check back in after seeing the message. When he saw that her house wasn't blown up, he said, "How is her house still in one piece?!"
He went to check it out and saw that she had removed the TNT. "How did she do it without setting off the pressure plate??" He asked. Then, someone tapped Doni's shoulder. "Ah-!" Doni said, slightly alarmed. "Oh, Liger. You scared me." "Sorry, but I needed to ask you something." Liger said. "Yeah, sure, what is it?" Doni said. "Do you know what Quiff brought to Lynix's house?"
Doni looked puzzled. "Quiff brought something to Lynix's house??" He said.
"Oh, I guess you don't know." Said Liger.
Doni adjusted his mask and said, "Have you tried asking Quiff himself?" Liger looked like he was bored. "I have, but he keeps saying 'something.' All I know is that it was pink." "Oh? How big was it?" Doni asked. "Pretty big," Liger replied. "He was dragging it in the dirt."
"Okay, I'll go see Quiff and ask him what it was." Doni said. "Alright, but either he won't reply, or he'll say 'Something'." Liger shrugged and walked away.
"Well, I'll visit Quiff later." Doni said.
And he went to Lynix's house to visit.

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