Chapter 5: The First Move

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When Doni woke up, he heard something walking around downstairs. So he got up out of bed to check it out.
When he got down to the last stair he heard a creak. He had a flashlight on him but didn't use it. Because he didn't know if whatever was there liked light or not. What is in here? Doni thought to himself. He tried to navigate his house in the dark and felt the door knob. He opened the door and left his house. Then he decided to look through the window to see what was moving in there. Wait i need night vision -.- Doni took a night vision bottle and drank it.
Then when he looked inside he saw nothing. But the Barbie was gone. Oh god imma die- Doni thought to himself. So he backed away from his house and went to Quiff's. When he looked inside of Quiff's house he saw Quiff just standing still in his living room. Then, Doni decided to knock on the window, catching Quiff off guard and making him jump. When Quiff turned to see what was hitting his window he saw Doni. "Doni what in the world are you doing?!" Quiff whisper-shouted. Doni lifted up the window and said, "Can I come in?" Quiff looked disgusted. "For what reason?" Doni looked at Quiff like he was gonna kill him. "Dang, why doesn't anyone trust me here?"
"Dude look at your videos on YouTube, it's nothing but trolls. You do nothing but troll us and literally gave half of us trust issues." Quiff said. Doni climbed through the window and shut it. "Please reverse that," Quiff told him. "Or tell me why you're even here." Doni replied with, "I'll explain in the morning." It was silent for just a minute. Then, Quiff said, "You can crash on the couch. You better tell me in the morning." "Thanks Quiff." Doni said. Quiff went upstairs to his room while Doni backflipped onto the couch. After a few minutes Doni fell asleep. But something kept Quiff up. He felt like he was being watched so he went to check up on Doni. Well that's weird... why do I have this feeling that I'm being watched if he's asleep? Quiff thought. He crept past Doni to look around for anything that might explode his house in a way. When he found nothing, he whispered, "Why isn't Doni trying to troll me?" Quiff  began to feel a wave of concern but brushed it off. "I just need some sleep maybe." So he went upstairs and tried to sleep. He could've sworn he missed something.
But that'll have to wait until the next day.

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