Chapter 8: Voices

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Where am I...? What is this place? Hello? Can anyone hear me? Guys? Bionic? Lynix? Liger? Doni?? Can anyone hear me? I'm still here! Hello?

Leo woke up from hearing that voice in her dream. "Who or what was that..?" She whispered. She went outside for some air. When she was ready to go back in she ran into her doll. "Leah!" She said. Leo hugged her doll. "How did you get here?" She asked. The doll was stiff. No movement at all. Leo dragged leah through Bandi's house and went to Quiff's. "Why doesn't anyone visit Quiff now?" She asked. She left leah outside the house and went in. "It looks normal.." Leo said.
Hello? I hear someone! Where are you?? Help me i don't know where i am!!
Leo covered her ears. "Who is talking to me?!" She said. She walked upstairs but the voice got louder.
You sound familiar.. Kiply? No you're younger. Lynix? No! Leo! Leo I'm here!
"Who are you?!" Leo asked "Why are you talking to me??" Leo you remember me right?? Right? "No.. I don't" She said.
Leo it's me +ųî$$! "Who?" She asked. "You glitched out." Im +<>$$
"Symbols?" Leo asked. No, I'm Q<ï$$
"Q.." Leo said. "Wait! Spell it out!" She said. Q the voice said. "Q.." Leo repeated. U "u.." i "i.." Double the f's the voice said. "Q... u... i... ff..." Leo sounded out. "Qu...iff..." she kept saying the letters until she said, "Oh! Quiff!!!" She said with delight! Yes! Im Qű>$$! Oh stupid glitch. ¿Quiff? Said. "Where are you?" Leo asked.  I don't know...
"Oh.. well what does it look like?"
Just a black, empty void..
"Someone's head?"
I think it's yours
"Leo!" Doni shouted running up to her.
"Where were you last night?!" He asked.
"I spent the night at Bandi's." Leo replied. "Okay you could have told us before you went." Doni said.
"Sorry.." Leo said. Doni sighed. "It's fine, just tell us next time when you're going out." Doni held Leo's hand and walked her home to Lynix's house. "Lynix, Leo's here." Doni called through the door.
Lynix opened the door. "Leo where were you?" Lynix asked. "She spent the night at Bandi's and I found her at Quiff's." Doni said. "What was she doing there..?" Lynix asked. "I don't know but I got stuff to do." Doni said. "Who's getting anger issues today?" Lynix said.
"Probably Liger or Bionic." Doni said.
"Okay don't die to being strangled." Lynix told him. "I'm in creative mode right now how am I going to die?" Doni said. Doni walked away from the house leaving Leo with Lynix. "Doni said you were in Quiff's house." Lynix said.
"Why?" He asked. "Well..."Leo said.
"Leo!" (Max) said. "Wanna play?" He asked. "Sure." Leo said. "When she gets done telling me why she was in Quiff's house." Lynix said. "Awww.." Leo whined. "Fine.. I was hearing a voice and when I got closer to Quiff's house it got louder." She said.
"You're hearing voices..?" Lynix asked.
"Yeah! And when I got closer to Quiff's house they got louder!" Leo said.
"Leo.. are you okay? Do we need to talk to someone? Because it's not normal to hear voices." Lynix told Leo beginning to worry. "The voices belonged to your friend Qu-" Leo was cut off. "Qu- Qu-" She kept trying to say it but it wasn't working. "I know who it is but my body won't let me say." Leo said.
"Leo..." Lynix said getting upset. "Who is talking to you?" Leo started to get scared. "My mouth won't let me say!" She said. "Then write it!" Lynix gave Leo a paper and a feather. "Okay." She said. She began to write. QUį$$
"Leo that's not a name." Lynix said.
"I'm trying!" Leo replied. Then, Doni appeared. "Try spelling it out." He said,
Surprising them both. "Uhm, okay." Leo said. "Q, U, I, And double the F's." She said. "Q u i f f-" Doni paused. "How is that's possible? Quiff's dead!" Lynix gave Doni a look that said, she needs help. "Leo I think we need to talk to someone." Doni said. "But I don't!" Leo said. Lynix sighed. "I got this." He said walking up to Leo. "How about, after we get done talking to whoever, I let you play with (Max). Sound good?" He told her.
"No! I am okay!" Leo said running away from the two. "LEO COME BACK!" Doni shouted chasing after her. "NO!" Leo shouted back. Lynix watched them both run around the area.
"Alright, Gotcha!" Bionic said catching Leo as she ran into him. "Thanks Bionic.." Doni said out of breath. "Why is Leo running anyway?" He asked.
"Because they think I need to talk to someone!" Leo said trying to pull away from Bionic. "She said she's hearing voices." Doni said. "To make it worse she said it was Quiff who was talking to her." Bionic looked stunned. "But... How?" He asked looking down at Leo.
"Don't ask me it started last night!" Leo said breaking out of Bionics grip. "Leo your doll is over here!" Lynix said holding the doll. "Give it back!" She said running up to Lynix. "I don't think I heard a please." Lynix told her. "Please?" Leo said. "Here." Lynix said giving her the doll. "But don't go anywhere without someone's permission, especially Quiff's house." Lynix told her. "But why..?" Leo said. "Nothing there was scary or ruined, it was normal." Leo looked behind her at Quiff's house. "Leo please. Just don't." Lynix said. "Okay.." Leo said. "Now go play." Lynix said as he went to the woods for some *obviously* wood.
The sun soon began to set.
Lynix heard a knock at the door while he was cooking. "It's open." He said. Bionic came in. "Hello." He said. "Hi!" Leo said. "What happened to your face?" She asked. Crap, I forgot to fix it. "I ran into a tree." He said. "Care to join?" Lynix asked. "I mean, sure." Bionic said sitting down.
After they were done eating Lynix brought Leo to bed and Bionic was getting ready to leave. "Thanks for stopping by." Lynix said. "No problem." Bionic said as he closed the door.
Lynix walked up the stairs and went to his room. Why is Leo hearing a voice?
Not to mention it being Quiff's voice.
Lynix wondered as he got in bed.
Then he saw something staring at him in the hallway. He thought it was something shining in the moonlight so he brushed it off and went to sleep.

"This one will do for now..." A voice said.

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