Chapter 3 (Annie)

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(This is actually chapter 2, but wattpad is being a b****)


"Annie Maul, please report to the principal's office immediately."

Wow, and right in the middle of algebra 2 class, darn I was really looking forward to whatever useless bullshit that they're going to teach us today. I don't know whether to squeal in delight or throw myself out the window.

I walk out the door, my leaving just not same without the collective ooooooooo's. I really wish they would, it would give me a decent reason to kick something in the head. But they know better, damn it, I wish they were all idiots. Oh well, you win some you lose some.

I walk down the hallways, taking all of the detour passages and making sure to stop and drink at every water fountain.

After two forevers I arrive at the principals office.

I pause by the door, thinking of the worse(I have a strong belief in pessimism).

Funny enough, it isn't actually the principal I'm afraid of, it's what I might find in his office. Odd people attract odd things, right? And even though Principal Kincaid is probably the coolest person that I have ever met, he was the guy who allowed the vampire students to bring live lunch.

Sighing, I turn the knob of the door, blinds rattling on the other side. I stride in, showing weakness in a school where your peers can actually smell fear is not a good place to be hesitant. At the sight before me I come pretty close to face palming but pull it off as a hair arranging instead.

Principal Kincaid is wearing possibly the strangest ensemble that I have ever seen, and he's pulling it off too-unsurprising since he has an epicness level that could take Chuck Norris's level and pound it into submission. Not kidding, his awesomeness is at a pretty high level most of the time, but what in the world is he wearing?! Does he not understand that purple does not go with orange?! You just lost some macho points there, Principal Kincaid. And is that a jacket made of flamingo feathers? Where the hell did he even get that? The zoo?

I don't think that he hears me when I walk in, sitting like a feathery spider man on top of his desk in a very one sided conversation with Vice Principal Rhombus. Mr. Rhombus looks like he having quite the migraine from the enthralling conversation with Principal Kincaid. Rubbing the space between his eyebrows he drawls to me,

"Miss. Maul, please do come in."

I walk in slowly, careful not to make sudden movements, a peeved vice principal is nothing to shrug about. Smiling, the principal turns toward me.

Principal Kincaid is constantly smiling and laughing, and I mean constantly. If I didn't know any better I would say that he was a madcap. No, but he is a chimera. Chimeras are creatures made up of three different species, so no, if your dog is a mutt it would not be a chimera. In the urban myths, chimeras tend to have lion body and head, goat head and back hooves, and a snake tail, but in reality that isn't just it. As long as it has a predator, a herbivore, and a serpent head, it can be a chimera. Now, I'm not completely sure what Mr. Kincaid is, but with all of that cackling and grinning he does I am 99% positive that a hyena is somewhere in there. But disappointingly, his true form is hidden behind a glamour.

A glamour is a type of witch magic that can change the way you look when someone else sees you. I mean, before the the Unmasking, fey (magical beings of magicalness) used glamour to hide from those dumbass humans. Mostly because not everyone can be a complete and utter badass like me and change their appearance on will.

"By the gods Annie, I adore your sandals! They are simply ravishing! In fact, I just want to rip them off your feet!"

Oh yes, and probably 8 toes while your at it. Did I mention that my principal is gay? Okay, so we don't know for sure, but its pretty obvious.

"And I love your....uhm, shirt."

Okay, so maybe not the shirt, but what lies under the scourge to zebra stripes everywhere is what really draws my eyes. What ever work out plan Mr. Principal is on, it is most definitely working out.

"Really!? I picked it out myself you know!"

I can tell.

Rhombus grunts in the corner, like a gorilla. That's caveman language for let's get going please.

"So what did I do this time, Mr. Principal sir?"

Principal Kincaid leaps off of his desk. I'm kinda suprised that he didn't hit his head on the ceiling or anything, he's like what, 6 and a half feet tall?

He walks kind of slumped, like a vulture. Or maybe a really, really hungover flamingo. A predator smile lolls across his lips, and combined with the overwhelming scent of orange colone, I am sucessfully mortified. He closes in right next to my face, his breath smells like something crawled inside his mouth and died, even over all of the perfum.

"So, Miss Maul, who is this new student that you have welcomed into my school?"

But the universe must be looking out for me, because the wonderful, ear shattering noise of the panic bell rings loud and clear. I wonder why they're-

Oh my gods. Weird unconcious guy.

Well, let's look at the less dim side. He's focused on me at the moment. Maybe I can-

Rhoumbus scowls and shouts in his scratchy, chainsmoking voice,

"Detention, Maul. Two weeks, Mr. Films room."

Damn it.


I had fun writing that, hopefully you had fun reading that.


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