Chapter 6 Kaitlyn

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"Just come with me, I don't like the dark." She says.

I blanch, but she can't see it. She's already walking away from me. Well I'm not going to be much help since I don't like the dark either. Oh well, she requested, and I don't like being alone down here anyway. She makes me feel calm. I hurry after her, glad to be with someone as the storm rages on.

When we turn onto the Infirmary Wing, I do a double-take.

What is this.

It's completely trashed in the back, papers and chairs flipped everywhere, and I'm pretty sure there's fire in the corner somewhere. Emrys' body goes rigid as she takes in the mess, and she sprints off. I follow just as quickly, definitely not liking how I can hear the storm a lot better in here than in the library.

"No, no, no, no, no, no! I can't believe him, the little devil!" She cries as she rummages through the trashed papers.

"What did he do?" I ask, somewhat nervous.

"What did he do, what did he DO?! The little rat covered his tracks! He ripped up all the papers, he trashed the monitors, everything we had on him, gone." Emrys seethed. I shrink back. I really don't like it when she's like this. She must've noticed, because she was by my side in an instant. "Sorry I scared you, he just, well, that was all I had on him. And he managed to take that away from me." She explained. Lightning must've struck somewhere nearby, because the night came crawling in.
The power went out.
My heart stopped as the dark closed in. It was excruciating. The memories came flooding back, even though I tried to stop them. The dark, no, I didn't like the dark.
And it didn't like me.
I hear a rustle of fabric beside me and some curses.
"Oh, hold on, let me get a flashlight-ow, dammit!-what the-It was here a minute ago- oh, nevermind." I let out the breath I hadn't realized I had been holding. Emrys. Thank God and all that is Holy. There's a sharp snap, and the dark starts to fade away. My head starts to clear of the bad memories. And there she is, Emrys Danivique, standing with her hand out, pushing away the darkness.

"How do you do that?" I ask, watching her hand with a morbid fascination. She shrugs.

"It's a talent." Emrys states. My mind clicks this into place.

"Wait, I thought you said you were afraid of the dark." I ask. She did say that. She shrugs again, looking sheepish.

"I never said I was afraid of it. I just don't like it."
Nothing really

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