Chapter 5 Emrys

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As soon as Annie drags herself out into the rain, I bolt to the Library. I can bet that there's a book on this type of guy. He better not be uncataloged.

Thank gods, the Librarian's not at her desk. With all the commotion, she probably had left. Typical Popobawas.

I skid around a corner, running down a hallway lined with shelves that touched the ceiling. I stop in front of the section labeled "Supernatural". I mutter to myself, reading the shelf labels -and failing- to find the label I was looking for. I sigh in frustration, pulling at my hair as I craned my head up to scan the higher labels. Aw crabapples.

Did I mention I hate heights? Swallowing the fear, I grabbed the rolling ladder and climbed. I made my way almost to the top, and started looking for the book I needed. I made the mistake of looking down. My vision swam. See, this is why I worked in the Infirmary. It's much more, grounded.

I finally found the spot for my book. And the spot was collecting dust. Where was it. I climbed up here for no reason. So I descended from the leaning death trap. I jumped the last few steps as the ladder wobbled. I really hate those things. With a passion. I walked to the end of the hallway, and turned right.
And there it was. Right in the hands of a silver haired God, Kaitlyn Lox. Cra-

"Oh hey, didn't hear you come in." He said. My eyes narrow ever so slightly. He was nervous. Of me? Thunder booms overhead, and his eyes clinch tightly as his knuckles turn white. My eyes widen a fraction. No, Kaitlyn Lox was afraid of the storm. My footsteps echo inside the empty library. I stand beside the table.

"Hey Kaitlyn, sorry to be a bother, but I really need that book." I hope he heard the urgency in my voice. This time he looked up, eyebrows raised as he released the book from his grasp. I pounced on it, making his perfect eyebrows raise a little bit higher. It was not like me, I know, but I really needed that book. I instantly sat down in a chair, flipping the book open to the contents and nearly tearing the pages out as I scanned through the page numbers. Kaitlyn got up and peeked over my shoulder at the pages flying by.

"What are you doing?" He said from behind me. In response, I pulled out a chair beside me and motioned for him to sit. He took the chair carefully, keeping a half lidded eye on my crazed form.

"Do you remember that kid that Annie brought in a day ago?" I asked, flipping through pages aged yellow. He shook his head, and raised a sinfully gorgeous brow. "Well, me and Annie found a guy outside of the gates so...." I trailed off.

"So you're trying figure him out," he finished. I grimaced.

"Trying. He's as complicated as a puzzle that requires a maze as the first step. He's very different. He's piqued my curiosity." I state, pulling up short from my page flipping. My breath quickened. So close.

"But why would you need this book to do that?" He asks. My eyes scan the page. They widen at my success.

"Because when I saw him, I saw that." I say, my voice breathy as I point to the page. Kaitlyn's eyes widen.

"The Shadow of the Devil? That's a thing?" He asks, skeptical and intrigued. I close the book.

"Of course it is. We're real, aren't we? Why can't that shadow power?" I say, putting the book to the side. I sigh and rest my chin on my hands, thinking hard.
"Well, to really tell if he has it, I need to check his monitor data for the irregularities." I say, before burying my head in my hands again. "If it's not damaged." I mumble out.

"Why would it be damaged?" Kaitlyn asks me. I groan, lifting my head up. Where has this guy even BEEN all day?

"You don't know?" Kaitlyn shakes his head, the flyaways from his ponytail going everywhere. Aw shoot, OCD acting up. Dammit Kaitlyn.  "Just come with me, I don't like the dark." I request, and walk out of the Library with a Lust Vampire in my wake.
Okay, so we just met one of the most clichéd creatures of all times, but we changed the legendary vampire a bit.  There is seven courts of vampire and each court feeds off of one of the seven deadly sins. You know, Lust, Greed, Wrath, blah blah blah.

Ummm... That's it.

-your writresses

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