Chapter 4 Annie

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The wall of the infirmary wing is completely busted, totaled, destroyed, decimated, ect. Even I, the queen of pointless destruction, can see that this work must have been done by a total master. Damn, I need to meet this guy, we must be soulmates or something.
    I shake Emrys out of the mess, who had been stupid enough to get caught up in what ever the hell had happened. She blinks wearily as she wakes up from her temporary nap. Her eyes flash panicked across the room,

    "Where is he? Where did he go? Is that you Annie? This is so your problem, you asshole!"

"Human teeth, chill out. And hey, what on Earth happened to Sparky?" I say. Emrys looks at me as if I'm insane or something.

"Who's Sparky?" she asks.

"You know, Sparky, that sickish guy that we brought in from earlier." I respond. Emrys gives me two slow blinks, and on each one her eyebrows rise three inches.

"Annie, you can't just name people," she says.

"Well that sucks because I totally just did." I say. Sheesh, if I didn't know any better I would think that America is no longer a free country.
Emrys shakes her head, "Whatever, just find him. I have a sense that he's dangerous."

"But it's raining-"

Emrys gives me that special look that only mothers can manage. Fine Emrys, let me get the flu, not like I care. "Hells bells Emrys, I'm going, I'm going." Time to find myself a man. Or boy. Or... whatever.
Next chapter will be longer. Cross our fingers


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