Chapter 11 - Starting a Fight

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The morning was a rough one and no challenge was announced yet, my sleep was getting worse and I started shutting away people. I've been getting too close to people and I nearly forgot what happened last time I got close to people. There are reasons why I didn't want to come onto this show, why I was so silent during school, and these happy moments I've been having this show... Almost ran into a rock with me thinking things over. "Just need to get this over with, get off the show and return home. I just need to-!" I heard something rustle in the and in those far off woods, swore I saw something laying in the brush! My breath hitched and my body turned stone cold with sweat skipping down my  face, I was starting into the brush when I saw something move from it! "Attention, maggots! I want you all to report to the dock for today's challenge!" The speakers drew my attention away from the brush and when I looked back, nothing was there. Running back to camp and breathing a heavy breath, I looked around to see not a single other person. Hopefully my mind isn't playing tricks on me, I have to get off this island!

"My dad has us train at home in plenty of physical tasks, he wanted us to be ready for any trouble we would face in our life. I'm sure I've said this before but I'm not the most psychical person, but we all did it nonetheless. Now Chef has us doing those exact training exercises except one small issue...." Leaving the outhouse and returning to the beach I took a seat next to my team as I sat pouting, The first challenge was to hold a canoe up but with my troubling height... I was forced to withdraw immediately. "Cheer up soldier, not every soldier is suited for every task. Next time you will strike true!" Getting taken aback by Chef and his comment, I hid my small smile but it quickly faded when someone from my team spoke up. "Hah! The guy can't even keep a straight head, he's just dead weight at this point." Duncan was the one speaking and I couldn't even dignify a response, he was right. "Lay off him Duncan, he's been trying his best." "Give the guy some slack, he doesn't look like he needs a verbal bashing." Bridgette and DJ, thank you for defending me but it wasn't needed. "Since I'm not needed for the challenge I'll be leaving." Just needed to get away from everything, somehow I had the urge to dissappear from everything.

"This view is such a good one." My body took over and I found myself at the top of the cliff, the one we jumped off on our first day here. Now here I am overlooking that very same sky like that first day but I didn't feel the same as that  day. So many good moments have happened here, like my friendship with DJ, and the others, my many morning/night talks with whoever finds me and those... special moments I've shared with  Gwen, Bridgette. Though when I remember these memories this heaviness takes me over, something so heavy it could push me over the edge. Looking down at the water below I felt nausea rise up in my gut "Oh...Yep, it's happening!" Let my chunks of yesterday dinner fly below to the fish. I'm just going to lie down for awhile. I threw myself away from the cliff edge and let the wind blow over my body as I closed my eyes, if we lose this challenge I'm sure enough going home.


"Ugh... The sodas flat, how is that even possible?" This entire night was a mistake, I only know family here but don't want to bug them with my own problems. This fire is warm and soothing, have to be careful to not fall asleep. "Did you see Wes? I didn't think he would be here tonight." "What?! I totally thought he wasn't going to be here, maybe I should try talking to him." Wes is here? Looking up from the fire and towards all the people I looked for him, he was sitting alone at a table near the edge of the party. I made a few steps to his table but froze, there are too many people around for us to talk about this. I'll just wait until the party dies down and catch up with him. The night went on and slowly the party started to lose people, and when it was nearly empty I went to make my approach but he was gone, how did he sneak by me when I saw all the people who left? There was a girl who I saw talking to Wes earlier that night near where he was sitting so I went to ask her. "E-Excuse me, did you happen to see Wes leave? I wanted to talk to him." "Oh yeeeeah! I saw him walk into the trees a little bit ago, probably to take a pass or something." Smells like she took part in the non soda drinks tonight, thanking her with a nod I hurried to the treeline but not without bumping into one of three guys coming out of the woods. I didn't stop to apologize and just ran past them, something dwelled inside me that was hurrying me alone. "Wes! Where are you? I just want to talk, please just come out." It was dark and I wasn't close to the bonfire anymore, have to keep my eyes peeled otherwise I'll trip over someth-!!! "Crap, I'll end up a missing person from knocking myself out" I looked at what I tripped over but my mind went blank. "WEEEEES!".

"GAH!" Shooting straight awake from the nap I took, my eyesight was tricking me or it was actually night time! "Did I miss the elimination ceremony? Is the challenge even over?" Better get back to camp otherwise I might be listed as a missing person, time to pick up the pace!  The return to the camp was meet by unusual silence, and while I could have played detective to find where everyone was, it wasn't needed since I saw Duncan and Courtney on one of the cabins porch. "(Y/N), where have you been? All of us were worried about you." "Not all of us." Courtney punched his arm. "Fell asleep, I'm sorry for walking off like that but I'm gonna go sleep. Is the challenge over?" "No, we have it contining tommorow morning, its been a real pain." Can't believe I was outed for being too short. "Well if this one didn't be such a useless teammate, perhaps we would be over with this challenge." I don't want to have this argument. "Look I'm gonna go to bed ill be there to cheer you guys on tommorow." "Or will you just run off again, just like today?" Duncan stepped in front of me. "Look Duncan, I know my behavior has been bad but now isn't the time to deal with this." I tried making my way past him again but he stepped in front of me again but pushed me to the ground when he did. "I think you are sabatoging us, and it's been ticking me off. So how are we gonna handle this?" Do I have to say it, I think its pretty obvious what you do. "Vote me off! I don't want to stay here anyway!" My yelling drew the attention of the others in the cabin to see what the noise was. "Now that ain't exactly easy considering how much the others like you, perhaps we settle this like men?" The next few moments were a blur as I was hit by Duncan's punch, time slowed down with yelling being heard and people moving. My vision went red, was it angry or something else, I can't really say but when I felt my fist connect with Duncan... I lost it.

Pushing everything down was going to be a bad idea but I didn't care at the time and now they are exploding. DJ grabbed me to hold me back while Geoff grabbed Duncan. "Yo Duncan, chill out man!" "(Y/N)! You gotta calm down!" He's right, calm down and think about this. You can't do anything if you are in jail or in legal trouble, too many people are counting on you! "Fine! If you think I haven't been taking this seriously enough, well from this moment I'll vow to win this competition! You'll have my full attention Duncan, I'm going to win!" DJ let me go and I went to my cabin not allowing anyone to talk to me. I haven't wanted to win the prize money since I first got here but that changes now.

The next day I followed along with the challenge and in the end we lost, we had the campfire ceremony tonight and this one was going to be different. Taking a seat in the outhouse I made my vote "I'm done falling behind, I'm winning this competition and getting that prize money. I'm voting for Duncan tonight!" We all arrived at the campfire and you could cut see this would be a good bonfire ceremony. "Maaaan! I have to admit you guys are getting our views higher then another shows right now, but let me warn you. Anymore psychical fights like that between Duncan or (Y/N), and you both are off the island. Now let's see who's going home!" Marshmellows we're handed out and no one could believe who the last two were, Harold and Courtney! "Harold!" Courtney was voted off?! "What?! This can't be happening! Don't you know who I am?!" Courtney had to be dragged off by a few of the security as she was tossed on the boat. Running to the end of the dock I stopped at the edge, Courtney and myself have had a tough relationship but... I'm going to miss her. "Courtney, please follow your dream! I want to meet you outside of the show!" I waved goodbye as the boat departed nearly falling into the water when Harold put his hand on my shoulder. "Sorry (Y/N), but this will hurt Duncan more." "What so you mean? Why would this hurt him?" "I saw them kiss, sure enough now that he doesn't have her around it will mess up his game." Harold walked away with a smirk and I was left dumbfounded, didn't think he would be able to something like getting her voted off... But I truly wonder how? But I guess it doesn't truly matter, one less person means I have a greater chance now, I will win this competition!

Chapter 11 is done! This is mouth vomit and I'm thinking my fire is burning out again. I'll try not to take a huge break but I can tell it's getting worse in terms of writing.... But at least we can get away from the sad stuff for awhile! Thanks for reading and Enjoy your day!

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