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Written in main characters point of view
"Morning maddie" my youngest sister shouts skipping over to me as i walk to my quad "morning lori" i say smiling knowing what she's going to ask "can you please give me a lift to school before you go to work" she asks and i smile "sure you want a flannel too" i ask and she nods "fine theres one on the counter for you" i say unlocking the front door of my small house for her "thank you maddie" she says making me smile "you're very welcome" i say grabbing the quad key from the counter "you got your bag as well or you got everything you need at school" i ask and she smiles "its at school" she says sitting on the back carrier of the quad "you holding on?" I ask and she nods "sure am" she says making me smile "you sound like ma" i say making her smile,we pass dad and maria on the way to the cow field "lori be careful" dad shouts making me smile and nod "dad she's seventeen" i say making him laugh as we slow down to drive beside him "morning ma" i say smiling to her "morning luna, your working today right, i heard theres a famous group of kids your age coming to stay at your hotel" she says making me smile "well we gotta go, i will be off work about six, i will take molly and danny out riding when I'm back" i say and they smile at the mention of my two youngest siblings "sure now off you go" dad says waving us away "alright keep your hat on, watch the mini bull he's really mean" lori says laughing as we speed off towards her school "bye lori, if you need picked up get donna to call me rather than dad or ma" i say and she smiles running over to her friends who all wave to me, eventually after another five minute drive i reach the museum and hotel being greeted by my boss Jamie "mornin' moony, park your four wheeler in the garage i have an important job for ya" he asks unlocking the garage for me, once I'm parked i go inside and see a group of four guys standing at the desk beside jamie "moo- luna this is sam, colby, jake and corey there here to investigate the place and as our most experienced tour guide i presumed you would be happy to do the tour" jamie asks and i smile adjusting my john deer hat "yeah sure J as long as I'm home before six and able to leave if any of my siblings call then sure" i say my accent really prominent compared to their mainly LA accents "alright guys i will leave you with luna here, enjoy and if anything happens bad enough luna can't solve call me" jamie says before walking into his office "morning im luna, you guys are from youtube right?" I ask and they all smile "yeah, we film paranormal videos" a blonde guy says and i nod "anyway im sam, are we alright to film you during the tour" he asks and i smile "alright but if your struggling to understand me just let me know" i say and they nod "so who's who, i know your sam" i say pointing to sam "I'm jake, this is corey and that's colby" one of them says and i nod "alright any questions before we start" i ask and colby nods "what was the manager going to call you" he asks and i smile "round here people call me moony because of my first name, so he was going to call me moony" i say and they nod "your accent's different from normal southern accents" jake asks and i laugh slightly "yeah i stayed in scotland until i was about sixteen before moving here with my dad, so its a scottish/southern mix but my southerns more prominent" i explain and they nod "so could you introduce yourself to the camera in a minute once we've explained what's going on?" Sam asks and i nod "course, you might want to-" i start but my phone begins to ring, when i look its my siblings school "god damn, i will be a minute" i say stepping away from the group "hello" i say answering the phone "good morning this is donna from spring creek high, I'm calling regarding Lauren Reid" she says and i sigh "hey donna what's happened to lori this time" i say and the women softens "morning miss luna, lauren's having a nosebleed, someone grabbed her hair so she fought back which ended in the kid punching her in the nose" donna explains and i sigh "is the kid in trouble donna" i ask and i hear her laugh slightly "of course miss luna" she says and i sigh "i will be right over to pick lori up" i say and she says "i will keep an eye out for your four wheeler" she says making me smile to myself "alright see ya in five minutes" i say ending the call "j" i shout through the door making him appear "you gotta go get lori?" he asks and i nod "it will only take ten minutes max I'm just gonna bring her with me and she can help with the tour" i say and he smiles "sure thing moony" he says following me out the door to the garage unlocking it letting me get my quad out before i smile "thanks j, tell my tour group about lori so its not a shock when she's about" i ask and he nods "alright go get her" he says making me nod, turning the key and pulling the rope pull a few times before the quad starts with a roar, i drive off to the high school
"Hey donna, I'm here for lori" i say and she smiles bringing lori through "Lori you feeling alright" i ask and she nods "thanks donna, dad and ma didn't need the extra stress with the twins on the way" i say and she nods "lauren said to call you instead" she says and we leave, once we're sitting on the quad which i left running "lori you gonna explain what happened and not the absolute bull crap you told donna" i ask turning to her and she looks down "lori whatever you tell me stays with us" i say and she nods "it was riven again, she called maria a fat cow, said that i should just go back to home to my bull shagging step mum cause I'm not smart enough for school, so i knocked her on her ass and she tried to break my nose" she says looking upset "lori trust me your way smarter than riven, hell her family live in a one bedroom house that her and her six siblings share, you could land a high paying job at seventeen she on the other hand couldn't" i say and she smiles "yeah your right" lori says as i turn back round "let's go" i say before heading back to work "go run in and get jamie to open the garage" i ask and she nods running in then coming back out with the biggest grin and jamie "you could have told me that sam and colby were in there luna" she squeals once i've parked the quad in the garage "i didn't know you knew of them" i say smiling at how excited she is "there like the best YouTubers ever, especially in the traphouse videos" she says making jamie smirk "well what would you do if i said your helping moony with their tour" jamie says making her go wide eyed before squealing loudly "oh my god oh my god" she says making me smile "let's not keep them waiting then lori" i say making her nod quickly as we walk in "hey the kids got your merch on" jake says looking to sam and colby "so that's the hoodie you begged dad for" i say knowing she would go red which she does "maddie" she whines glaring at me "i thought you were called luna" corey asks and i laugh "my name is luna madelyn but my siblings call me maddie because for a few years when they were younger i went by my middle name only so they grew up thinking i was called madelyn or maddie" i say and they nod "this is lori, she's gonna hep with the tour and maybe if she works hard you guys could give her an autograph" i ask and they nod making lori go wide eyed again "your the best maddie" she squeals running off to see jamie quickly "do you want us to give her more merch, we have extra with us we could all sign it" sam asks and i smile "that would make her year" i say and they smile brightly "we will do it later tonight and leave it at the desk for you" colby finally speaks making me smile "so how long are you guys in town for?" I ask and corey smiles "four days, we heard there was a few haunted spots in the woods" he says making me smile "if you guys want i could take you there by horse i know most of the haunted spots around, most are near my family's property anyway" i say and sam smiles "we were actually looking for a guide so we don't get lost" he says making colby nudge him so they walk away from the group a bit "they alright?" I ask jake and corey who nod "they do this whenever a person offers to help" jake says going back to eating whatever was in his pocket "you guys ever had scottish macaroons?" I ask and they look confused "neither of you are allergic to coconut are you" i ask and they shake their heads "here try it, i make it myself" i say handing them a small bit each to try "oh my god its amazing" jake says jumping about happily as corey smiles "yo sam, colby come try this" he shouts causing them to walk back over "here" i say handing them a bit each and they both look happy "now do any of you know what scottish macaroons are made of" i ask and they shake their heads no "well what would you say if i said it was potato and powdered sugar" i say and they go wide eyed "no way that's made of potato you have to be pulling our legs" corey says and i laugh "nope as i said i make em" i say as lori walks back through holding her big bit of macaroon "alright you guys want more before we start the tour" i ask holding bags of them out to them "thank you" they all say before lori and i walk to the front

Sam and Colby haunted museumWhere stories live. Discover now