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After a while i have calmed down, getting sam and colby to just talk to me calmed me down quicker than normal "you sure your alright now?" Colby asks watching me as i make something to eat "yeah im alright, do you guys want to go to one of the haunted spots tonight?" I ask and he smiles "i will talk to sam but if you don't want to you don't need to" he says with a kind smile "i need to do something, my dad can look after the animals" i say making him nod before i see him look me up and down "you're outfits sick today" he says gesturing to my tartan shirt "thanks" i say with a smile shrugging as he walks away "morning maddie" lori says skipping in "lori did dad tell you?" I ask and she nods "yeah he told me but im choosing to stay happy, are you okay your blushing so much" she says making me laugh "yeah, i will tell you later" i say as all four guys walk in "are we alright to come back here later?" Corey asks making me laugh "of course, its not like i would kick you out after one night i told you i would take you to the haunted spots" i say making them nod "cool we have to meet up with someone so see ya" jake says walking out with corey and sam following him "luna do you mind if i have a word with you?" He asks and i smile "sure, lori bugger off please" i say making lori laugh and skip out the door "what's up dude" i say making him smile "thank you for last night i don't think i would have slept" he says making me smile "its no problem, you can sleep like that anytime, your cute when you sleep" i joke with a smile "im cute all the time" he says making me laugh "alright on you go before sam comes to get ya" i say continuing to cook "thank you" he says running out the door "okay tell me everything now" lori says appearing round the corner "lori how much did you hear?" I ask and she laughs "the whole thing" she says with a laugh making me mutter curses to myself "fine you sneaky little bugger" i say leaning on the counter and telling her everything "oh my god, that's amazing" she squeals bouncing around the kitchen "lori, check their gone" i say knowing full and well they could still be outside "their gone" she said before looking at me "i like him" i say and she looks ecstatic "i knew it" she squeals jumping around, "alright alright chill you beans lori" i say with a laugh as she finally stands still "are you coming with us tonight or staying here?" I ask and she thinks for a minute "im gonna stay with ma, dads going to uncle fins for the football game" she says and i nod "that's fine, just make sure if something happens you call me, even if it turns out to be nothing lori, just call me" i say and she nods knowing im meaning if the thing comes back "which horses are you going to use" she asks and i smile "im going to take storm, bella and holland with us since they are the most whistle trained and vocally trained" i say and she nods "you want help getting them ready?" She asks and i smile "when the guys come back we can find out when they plan to go, i will bring dinner over to the house before we go" i say and she nods "can we go out for a ride please" she asks and i smile "of course lori, lets go" i say and she smiles opening the door to see our neighbor Tobias on the doorstep "mr darington what can we do for you?" I ask and he smiles "morning miss luna, just wanted to check it was alright for danny to spend a night with my boys" he says and i smile "of course danny gets on very well with your boys" i say and he smiles "i will bring danny over in an hour or two if that's alright?" i ask and he nods "mr darington just a heads up the beast is getting closer to houses now, it was by my bedroom window last night, so please be careful" i say and he nods "always am miss luna, i will see you later on then" he says before leaving "that's strange he normally sends his boys to ask" lori says making me shrug "wait a second why on earth did he ask me dad's literally outside the house" i say seeing dad fixing the car "whatever lets go lori" i say opening the stable door "storm come" i say and she walks over "hi big girl" i say and she nudges me playfully "hang on let me bring a bale over" i say lifting a couple of the haybales and stacking them beside storm "there we go" i say climbing them and sitting on her back making her grumble at me "alright alright here you go noisy horse" i say giving her a treat from my pocket "lori ready to go" i shout into the stable expecting her to reply "lori" i shout again but again no reply "lauren answer me now" i shout and still not reply "storm bow" i say and she does letting me jump off "lauren where are you" i shout and i find her kneeling beside firefly "lori what's wrong" i ask and she looks up "need to pee" she mumbles and i know why she didn't answer now "go round the back of the stables" i say and she shakes her head "can't get up" she mumbles and i sigh "lori, pee in the stable, i will take firefly out of here, but your mucking it out" i say and she nods desperately "alright" i say grabbing the reins of firefly and leading her out the stable and beside storm who hasn't moved "firefly stand" i say letting go of the reins to climb up onto storm again "you won't tell dad will you maddie" lori asks as she walks out the stables "no but don't do that again lori" i say as we begin the walk down the trail, eventually we reach a small opening in the trees where the shooting range dad built is, "my butt hurts" lori whines getting off her horse and stretching "lori you have a saddle, why not use it" i say making her smile "i wanna be like you" she says making me smile "alright lets start heading back that's the guys car" i say since we can see the main road "lets race them" lori says waving the car down "oh hey guys" sam says since he's driving "hey sam lori wants to race you" i say and he nods "colby might shit himself but alright" he says and i hear colby complaining "hey be nice to him, he was closer to whatever it was last night than you" i shout to him making him laugh "alright lets go" he says and lori nods "last one back is a rotten egg" she shouts before bumping firefly causing her to canter down the path as sam races down the road, "storm gallop" i say and storm begins to run "ha ha ha ha your a rotten egg maddie" lori says teasingly "oh really i didn't say i was taking part" i say making her grumble "lori if you stop grumbling i will take you to your boyfriend's house" i say and she instantly shuts up "all right what time were you guys wanting to go to these haunted spots?" I ask and they look at each other "whenever your ready" sam says making me nod "well i have to take this one to her boyfriend's, my brother to his friends and make dinner so in like an hour or something" i say and they nod "Luna Madelyn Reid" i hear dad shout  

Sam and Colby haunted museumWhere stories live. Discover now