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As Colby and i finish off the dishes the rest of the guys walk through "thank you so much luna" sam says smiling at me "it's really no issue" i say smiling back, after we're done i take molly and danny over to the stable "put your bridles on them" i say and they nod running into the small tack room grabbing the blue and purple head collars "you two want any help to put them on?" i ask and they shake their heads putting their headcollars on and clipping their reins to them before jumping up onto their horses, i quickly jump up onto the stable door before jumping onto my horse not bothering to put a headcollar on her only grabbing three lead ropes from the side and putting them on my shoulders, "ready to go" i ask and they nod nudging their horses causing them to walk out of the stables "walk on storm" i say and my massive horse begins to walk beside the twins "so how's school been?" i ask and danny shrugs "eh it's a lot of writing but it's fun" he says but molly stays silent "mols why are you so quiet?" i ask and she sighs "i hate school, it's horrible they never leave me alone" she says looking like she's going to cry "molly is that girl still bothering you?" danny asks looking at his sister "yeah and her friends she won't stop being horrible to me about everyone" she says making danny sigh "i will deal with her on monday" he says making her smile slightly "thank you danny" she says making him smile "no one bully's my twin and gets away with it especially my best friends sister" he says making me smile at how protective he is of her, "alright, so what do sam and colby actually do on youtube" i ask and they smile "well they used to explore abandoned places but now they do haunted stuff" danny says smiling and i nod "what about the other two" i ask and they smile "well they sort of go with sam and colby or do funny stuff" molly says as we reach the end of our trail "alright cool let's head back so you two can go back to the house whilst it's still light" i say and they nods "race ya maddie" they say taking off making me laugh as i click my tongue and my horse takes off her long mane flying behind her, until a creature steps onto the path, its looks like a cross between a mangled deer and a wolf so i whistle three long chimes alerting the twins and making them go back to the house as my horse backs up from the creature "storm quick pass it" i say quickly as it moves to a side of the path, we get past it but it begins to chase behind us but with my horse being bred for this kind of stuff we quickly lose it, by the time i get back the twins are already back at the house their horses in the middle of the road so i whistle them to the stable and they dash off back into their stalls and i jump off my horse whistling her to the stable before closing the doors using my phone, when i turn to go into the house i see the thing walking down the road, seeing my quad behind me and knowing my rifle will be on it i walk slowly back to it and grab it watching the creature over the top as it gets closer to the main house i fire a shot at it, hitting it in the back leg causing it to make a mangled deer call before running off "what in fucks name" i say walking inside "we heard you shoot are you okay" colby asks as i walk in "not really some fucking creature chased me back from the ride and it was getting close to the main house, im like ninety percent sure it was either a wendigo or a skin walker" i say flopping on the empty armchair "whatever the four of you do, do not go outside tonight don't leave the curtains open, if you hear something outside don't even look in the way it came the thing will try to draw you out, i made it worse by firing at it" i say before messaging lori what happened and i see every window and curtain in the main house close and the livestock dogs go into the stable, the mini bull and bulls running into the stables with the rest of the donkeys and the goats, "can you four help me close all windows and curtains please" i ask and they nods we all get the windows and curtains close and the door locked as the horrible screech sound echoes through the property "don't look at the windows or the door, go on your phones or something" i say pulling out my phone and messaging a few of the local farmers to warn them about the creatures, until there's a knock at the door "no-one move it's not anyone we know, they're in the main house, it's the thing trying to draw us out" i whisper making the guys nod looking at their phones as a mangled voice echoes through the porch "sam help" a mangled womens voice speaks making sam start to look up "sam it's not who you think it is, do not move" i say looking directly at him "it can imitate your loved ones" i say and sam looks down again "you lot smell that, that's how you know it's around" i say smelling a horrible decaying smell "look i was going to let a few of you sleep in here but it's safer upstairs so, despite the fact we don't really know each other one of you is going to have to share my bed whilst the other three sleep in the other room" i say and they nods "i will do it" colby says as we gather their stuff quietly before making our way upstairs "if you need to go to the bathroom take the other two with you no one gets left alone" i say and they nods going into the spare room as colby follows me into mine "look if you want to sleep with no shirt im not going to have an issue, it gets really warm in this room at night, and as long as your fine with it im going to sleep in a sports bra and shorts" i say and he nods "i have no issues it's your house" he says turning his back to me as i do the same before changing my bra under my top before pulling it off and changing into my cycling shorts quickly "you all done?" i ask and he says "yeah" making me nod and turn round "you should probably come with me so you can brush your teeth and stuff" i say walking towards the door "yeah, let me grab my toothbrush and toothpaste" he says opening his rucksack and taking out his toothbrush and toothpaste before following me to the main bathroom where the other three are already standing in it brushing their teeth "room for two more?" i say with a smile and they nod letting us in "i have hat hair" i say looking in the mirror to see my long hair frizzy at the top and slightly tangled "that's not as bad as colby's hat hair" jake says making me laugh slightly before starting to brush my teeth, once I'm finished doing that i start to braid my hair back "you want a hand?" sam asks making me smile "sure" i say slightly unsure but he does surprisingly well "thank you sam" i say seeing a perfect set of dutch braid "where on earth did you learn to braid like that?" i ask and he smile "my girlfriend has me help her braiding her hair" he says before walking away with the other two leaving colby and i in the bathroom "your tattoos are amazing" colby says looking at my wing tattoo that runs down my whole back "i have one on my collar bone at the right side connected to a scar i got from fighting a mini bull" i say turning to him and he smiles looking at the barbed wire butterfly "why were you fighting a mini bull?" he asks with a laugh "it went after my ma when she was pregnant so i grabbed it by the horns but it dug into my collar bone and broke it" i say looking at him "you finished in here or do you need to use the toilet" he asks and i smile "you mind standing at the door so i can use the toilet" i say and he nods standing outside the door, once im done i wash my hands before walking out "let's go" he says as the loud screech echoes outside 

Sam and Colby haunted museumWhere stories live. Discover now