Chapter 3 - Insecurities

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They all wake up, an unknown amount of time later. Confused, they try and get their bearings. "We all passed out.. at the same time? That can't just be coincidence, can it?" Akari asks.

"Yeah, no, a group of multiple people all passing out at once?? I don't think that's normal!" Saburo declares. "Is this really the time for sarcasm?!" Haruna says. "Okay, okay, are we serious just going to keep bickering until one of us dies?!" Watanabe exclaims.

Suddenly from outside, they hear a scream from a man. Junpei quickly wastes no time and opens the door. "are you STUPID?! What if it's one of those shapeshifter things?!" Tsunade yells. "I'll take that chance! I'll do whatever I can to get out of here!" Junpei shouts. He carries the heavily armoured man into the classroom and lays him next to a wall. Blood pours from his practically destroyed armor as the man hands one of them a notebook.

The man immediately slumps over. "...He's dead, isn't he?" Shiori asks. "I'll never get over this shit. Godfucking DAMN IT!" Yamato shouts, slamming his fist against the wall. "Do you WANT us to fucking die?!" Tsunade yells. "I'll kill you first myself, bitch!" Yamato responds. "I'd like to see you try! You're just an insecure whiney asshole! You talk big but you're no better than the corpses outside that door!" Tsunade responds. Yamato clenches his fist.

Watanabe steps in-between them both. "Tsunade. I understand where you're coming from. It's frustrating yes, death shouldn't be something that's common to us. But that gives you no right to talk badly about Yamato. And as for you, I know you regret getting us in this situation. You blame yourself for it, and that's a hard burden. But there's nothing we can do to change it but live. Live as long as we can." Watanabe explains.

Tsunade looks away. "...Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Junpei opens up the notebook. "...I'm not understanding a word of this." He says. "Here, lemme take a crack at it." Makoto proclaims. The notebook has one page filled with text:

"Buff 250: Nby Mbczncha Mwbiif

Nbcm fypyf nueym nby zilg iz nby mwbiif sio omyx ni/mncff ai ni. Nby fypyf qcff omy siol iqh mwbiif uauchmn sio zil jmswbifiacwuf nilgyhn, um qyff um bupcha u fulay ugiohn iz uhigufiom wlyunolym.

Ni fyupy, sio bupy ni guey cn jumn nby bilxy uhx lyuwb nby xiil."

"This is genuine gibberish, what the hell?" Makoto says. "Oh, it's definitely a Cipher. I can solve it but I'll need an hour." Akari responds. "Nerd." Tsunade declares. "Good? We'd be doomed if I wasn't." Akari responds. "...Morina?" Kaida says.

"Yeah? What's up?" Morina responds. "Do you really think we can get out of here?" Kaida asks. "Yeah, of course. If that guy could get here then that means there's a way out right? Just hold out a little bit of hope for me." Morina responds. Above them, they hear a mass amount of moving. Everyone exits the classroom and finds a bloody trail. They look upstairs to see the hundreds of monsters are ready to go downstairs.

"That's REALLY bad. They'll flood the hallways and even our classroom won't be safe from THAT!" Junpei exclaims. Kenshin spots a machete with it's handle covered in blood. He grabs the weapon and immediately jumps into the fray. Kenshin slashes around him, taking out multiple of the monsters. Kenshin dodges a swipe and kicks back. One of the monsters bites and rips a bit of his leg, shoulder and arm. Now wounded, Kenshin is slowly overwhelmed.

Through the fighting, Kenshin opened a path near him. In his head, Yamato can only hear the mocking of Tsunade replaying over and over. His rage boils over and he pushes Tsunade into the mass amount of monsters. Everyone is shocked, besides Shiori who immediately saves Kenshin and Tsunade, pushing them back towards the stairs.

"When you go back don't forget about me, alright?! Live! Live as long as you can! That's what you said right?! So live! LIVE!" Shiori screams as she gets swarmed by the monsters, never to be seen again. They all walk back into the classroom in silence until Tsunade punches Yamato.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! YOU GOT SHIORI KILLED YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! WHEN I SAID YOU WERE AN INSECURE LOSER I DIDN'T THINK YOU'D BE A MURDERER OF ALL THINGS! If it wasn't Shiori's dying wish, you'd be fucking dead where you stand. You hear me?" Tsunade shouts.

Junpei tends to Kenshin's wounds. Arata tugs on Makoto's shirt before pointing at Yamato. "What about him? I mean the guy's dangerous. He almost got Tsunade and Kenshin killed." Makoto says. "Well at least he's better than Nori. He's just been sitting in a corner this whole time practically shitting himself." Junpei adds.

"Eh. Fair enough." Makoto responds. Akari walks over and pulls out a piece of paper. "I decoded it. Glad to see you forgot I was still here." Akari glares. "This isn't the time for that. Shiori died, and it was for our sake. So I want to get out of here. No matter the cost." Makoto responds. "...Well, there's a lot to discuss so I'll give you the cliffnotes. You were right. If we can make it past that horde we can get out of here." Akari explains.

"Alright then, let's map out what we're doing. We all know the school by heart, right?" Makoto says. They move a nearby table and create a map of the entire school.
"So, we're in the 2nd floor classroom and the exit is on the 3rd floor...
Not to mention the school is flooded with those dog monsters and shapeshifters." Watanabe explains.

"I had an idea. Doesn't it feel warm in here?" Saburo asks. "I mean.. I guess? Why?" Kaida responds. "...That means there's gas running through the building just like in real life!" Haruna exclaims. "Yup, knew you'd get it!" Saburo exclaims. "So for the time being I say we split up. Me, Watanabe and Akari will check out the boiler room." Makoto says.

"Let me go with you instead. I might be injured but I'll be your safest bet." Kenshin proclaims. "...Are you okay with that, Akari?" Makoto asks. "Yeah, it'd be safer with Kenshin around anyway." Akari replies.

"Morina, Arata and I can look around! We'll make sure to pull our weight!" Kaida declares. "Haruna and Akari, you two can help me with this idea I had! It'll be a bit much but if this works, we'll be all set to survive." Saburo declares. "And I guess it's just me and Tsunade! Oh, and I guess Yamato too. Nori is definitely a no go so.." Junpei says.

"Oh NO. If you think I'm gonna team up with the guy who almost killed me you can think again! If you stick by me the entire time though I'll live." Tsunade exclaims. "...We should have a codename for this." Makoto says.

"Operation Shiori." Watanabe blurts out.
Everyone nods their heads. "She would've liked that name." Junpei says.

Chapter 3 - End

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