Chapter 15 - Everlasting Memories

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Morina and Saburo run a fair distance away. However when they finally take in their surroundings, they find themselves in the blood red school from a long time prior. "Did we go backwards...? What happened??" Morina says. "BULLSHIT! We couldn't have!? Unless that monster can teleport us between each hall, we can't be... FUCK! WE'RE SO... SCREWED!" Saburo shouts. "Hey, man... I get that you're angry.. but don't panic so hard!"

"Don't panic? Don't PANIC? THIS IS THE PLACE WHERE WE LOST EVERYTHING! BOTH OF US. AND NOW WE'RE BACK? IT'S JUST.. impossible. It took so many of us just to leave, us two won't even make it a step to the exit.."

Saburo holds his head in his hands, gripping his skull in frustration. "Saburo.. I-" Before Morina can say a word, a footstep behind them sends them on high alert. "C'mon sis, you wouldn't attack me right? After all, we made a promise!"  The familiar voice says. Kaida steps out of the eerie darkness, beaming to see Morina.

"Kaida?! IS THAT ACTUALLY...?!" Morina yells. Saburo grabs her by the shoulder. "I know how much you're hurting. I'm hurting the same way. But you know what the truth is, don't you? We aren't friends, but I can't let you kill yourself to live a lie. Even if that lie might bring you comfort, it won't be what you need."

"Saburo... What an out of character thing for you to say.."  Morina says. "Shut up! Just because I'm angry doesn't mean I'm an idiot. I know when I'm being lied to. And after Nori lied to my face about my own sister's death? I don't want to be lied to anymore. That should go double for you." Saburo looks away embarrassed. Kaida looks at the pair, disappointed.

"Aww, forgot about me already sister? You moved on so quickly, it's like our promise meant nothing to you!" Morina balls up her fist instantly. "BE QUIET! Don't talk to me like you know ANYTHING! You know nothing about me or my sister! So don't say that with HER face and HER voice!" She yells. Kaida chuckles to herself, her voice distorted.

"What is there to know? We had high expectations, right from the start! Our family has so much money, the coddling made poor Kaida such an easy target! That's why you fought everyone, right? Your parents, your classmates, everyone! The day before the ritual, you even ran away from home! Such a bright mind snuffed out so early... If only you just applied yourself more.."

Morina immediately snaps and punches the false Kaida. The punch goes through her, sending a mist  around the entire area. As soon as Morina gains her bearings, she finds herself underneath the blood red sky. Kaida lays on the ground, sobbing from a bruise on her face. "Mori.... You promised! You told me you wouldn't let anything hurt me!" She exclaims.

"K-Kaida.. I didn't mean.." Morina tries to approach her slowly. "Get AWAY FROM ME!  You're just another MONSTER!" Kaida yells. The ringing echo of being called a monster rings through her as Morina clutches her heart, crying extremely hard. "I-I'm not a monster... I tried.. I didn't.."

To her surprise, she feels a calming warmth. Saburo hugs Morina from behind, clutching her tightly. "I know what it feels like, you know. To feel like the world's against you. You tried, there was nothing you could do but your best. And that's enough. I don't know what's happening, but don't let it change your memories of Kaida. I saw how you were after she died, I was right there with you after all. If you're really as close as you thought... then this shouldn't be anything for you to worry about. You're strong, Morina."

The words reach her, as she begins to think about who Kaida really was. She thinks on years prior, as Morina and her sister talk in their lavish bedroom. "I've been meaning to ask... what'd you have planned when we graduate?" Morina ponders.

"Hehe.. it's kind of embarrassing... But I wanna travel the world and learn all kinds of things! I think there's still so much I gotta learn but something tells me I have to go out there and find it! I'm gonna leave my mark on the world and EVERYONE's gonna learn the name Kaida Nomura! I'll betcha that much at least!" She exclaims. "Pfft, I'll bet. I'll take your for your word then, you'll be world-renowned."

"You will be too! I'll help you! Success won't be the same unless it's together! You and me till' the end of the world!" Kaida shouts. "Yeah, sure! Till' the end of the world. I promise." After the memories flow back, Morina dries her tears. "Are you not sorry?!" Kaida yells.

"You aren't my sister.. She's dead. But the memories I have with her aren't. I won't let you change those memories, fucking bastard." The false Kaida's distorted voice grows increasingly agitated. "Just QUIT IT! You've lost your light, there's no point in your existence anymore!" She yells.

"That's not true. I could think of plenty of reasons. Get out of my head. Right NOW!" Morina shouts as her yell clears the mist. She wakes up  in a monochrome hallway, surrounded by the grayness of the walls. Next to her, Saburo leans on a wall. "What.. happened..?" She ponders.

"You were talking to something... your eyes were all red and you were screaming, it was kinda unsettling. At some point though, the walls changed and here we are.. You okay?" Saburo asks. Morina thinks for a little, before smiling a bit. "Yeah. I think I will be. I got my resolve!" She proclaims. "Then c'mon. We're not out of the woods yet."

"...You saved me. I know we spent a long time together because of our grief, but I never truly thanked you. You saved me then, and you saved me now. So, thank you. Seriously." Morina adds. "Don't mention it! You'll get your heartfelt thanks when we're outta here alive, alright?" He retorts. She chuckles. "Fair enough." Morina stands up. "Let's get a move on then. We have to find our friends."

Chapter 15 - The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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