Chapter 9 - The Resolve to Die

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Everyone sits up as Tsunade fixes her camera back into her shoulder. "You all heard Daniel's last wish. Take down HEADS. and then exactly what I intend to do." Makoto proclaims. "Then no standing around anymore. We're killing that Lisa bitch one way or the other." Sophia responds, reloading her gun.

"I didn't want to see the truth, I didn't want to believe the woman who took everyone in like her kids could be this heartless... But FUCK THAT! I'M THROWING THAT ALL ASIDE! YOU'RE HEARING IT FROM ME YOU BITCH! I'M GONNA KILL YOU WITH MY OWN HANDS!" Jacob screams. He crushes his own radio with his hands. Somewhere else, a woman sighs before putting her hands on her head.

She presses a button and a man enters the room. "Miss Williams, what seems to be the problem?" He ponders. "It seems our exploration division leader as signed himself for death. Him and his squad have gone and deserted their post... What a shame, we wasted our new technology on him as well.. Nevertheless, if the halls don't kill him you have my permission to execute him on sight. Spare the Japanese kids though, something about them doesn't sit well with me." Lisa proclaims. "Fair enough ma'am, I'll relay your message to the others." The man retorts.

He swiftly exits the room. Lisa scoffs. "Drag me down to hell with HEADS... Pfft, what a fucking joke. If the halls don't kill them, then it's all up to me. To use all beneath me as a stepping stool... That's my true purpose." Lisa whispers.
Back in the Hall, The group finally enter the second building past the Ogre's area. The Hallways grow cramped as the walls become a narrow path. The group make their way through the narrow halls before coming to a crossroad with branching paths.

"There's no way this is a maze... How the hell do we figure this out?!" Junpei exclaims.  "Psst." a voice whispers in Jacob's ears.  He immediately turns around and opens fire. He finds nothing next to him. "What the hell is your problem?!" Damien shouts. "There might be a Shadow Prowler somewhere! What is this fucking hall?!" Jacob shouts. "There's no way this place has THAT many anomalies, where did you guys bring us??" Makoto ponders.

"Go on ahead, I got this." Akari whispers as she goes straight ahead. "I'll take over here then!" Jacob yells, moving to the left. Damien runs right and immediately a shadowy figure jumps from the darkness and severs his arm. In response, Damien grabs the creature by the head and slams it into the wall. A hole opens up into the wall as it crumbles to dust. Everyone starts running forward, making multiple turns as they run.

Above them, Akari jumps from top of the maze. "Oh. Climbing." Tsunade says. "Yeah, this isn't a video game. There's no out of bounds or anything guys." Akari proclaims. Makoto boosts everyone up one by one before Akari stretches her hand to lift him up. The two stare at each other. "Hey.. Akari?" Makoto asks. "I've always been in love with you and all that or something right? You'll get the chance to say that later, you idiot." Akari declares.

Hordes of monsters start chasing them as Shadow Prowlers start swiping at them. They see a door with a bright golden light seeping from the cracks. "THAT'S IT! THAT'S THE EXIT! KEEP GOING!" Sophia yells. They all make a dash for the exit as Akari does a long jump straight there. "IT'S LOCKED!" Akari shouts. The other quickly reach her.

"Think with me here, Makoto!" Akari says. Makoto feels his brain working overtime. "YOU BETTER HURRY! WE CAN'T KEEP THESE CREATURES BACK WHEN THEY GET HERE!" Jacob yells. "Tsunade, do you have a hair pin?!" Makoto proclaims. "Yeah but... That's my last one!" Tsunade responds. Damien snatches it from her pockets. "Thanks for contribution. KEEP THEM BUSY FOR JUST A MINUTE!" He informs. Jacob, Sophia, Junpei, Tsunade, Makoto and Akari stand in a line, guns pointed towards the exit of the maze.

Damien looks at their backs and then turns back to the lock. "Being a dead man walking ain't too bad... Sad it has to end like this though, just when it was gettin' good." Damien whispers. "HERE IT COMES! STAND YOUR GROUND AND FIRE!" Sophia yells. The kids and Jacob yell in determination. Multiple hounds and smaller shapeshifters immediately go to attack them. A hail of bullets rips through the crowd and destroys the entire front line of monsters.

The monsters don't stop approaching as they continue their fire. Junpei fires one last bullet as his gun clicks. "That's it for me." He says, as he moves back. The others keep going for a little while longer until Tsunade's gun clicks as well. "Damn, that's a wrap for me too!" She exclaims. "...Sophie. can you do me a favor?" Jacob asks. "You AREN'T DANIEL! I CAN'T LET YOU DIE!" Sophia yells.

"Hey, cheer up! You'll see me soon won't you? For now though? It's goodbye! HEY! YOU KIDS! Give ol' lady Lisa a good punch for me will ya?! I better not see you guys following me or I'll kill you again!" Jacob states. He moves his armor to reveal a belt of grenades. He pushes Sophia back. "Come on, you fucking monsters! You and Iare gonna dance our way down to the underworld!" Jacob shouts before he jumps into a Shadow Prowler.

He's pierced through the chest, but it sets the grenades off. At the same moment, Damien unlocks the door and swings it open! "GO, GO, GO! WE'RE LEAVING!" He yells. As everyone runs through the door in sorrow. "We'll talk more later, won't we... Jacob?" Sophia whispers as the grenades explode. The explosion throws the rest of them through the door and into the bright light of the unknown.

As they land on the concrete floors, they waste no time and stand up. In front of them stands the hub once again. "We made it out...! We finally did it!" Tsunade exclaims. Sophia and Damien worridly look at each other. "WAIT, WE LEFT NORI! WHAT ABOUT THAT GUY?!" Tsunade yells. Behind them, they find a sleeping Nori. "Oh. I.. don't know why that happened... There's still stuff we don't know apparently." Junpei says.

"All of you. Find Doctor Kisaragi. This is our final request." Damien proclaims. "What? What do you-" Akari asks as Damien and Sophia open fire at the soldiers in front of them. Lisa walks through the gunfire casually. "I heard quite a lot of talk from you two. And your fallen squad as well. As of today, you two have lost your rank and right to live. We may be merciful, but only if you go down easy." Lisa explains. She moves  her head slightly, dodging a bullet.

"As if. I've been enlightened, and I'm gonna enjoy seeing you burn." Sophia taunts. "Hm. Should've expected this. Fire." Lisa instructs as Damien and Lisa also return fire. A few of the soldiers drop. "Embarrassing. If you want something done, right.." Lisa whispers before dashing forward and firing three bullets into Damien's chest at blinding speed. Damien stumbles and falls onto Lisa.

He whispers something inaudible in her ears before she pushes him off. Damien hits the ground, a pool of blood surrounding him. Sophia stops for a second in shock, and is shot in the legs by Lisa. She turns Sophia around and points a gun at her head directly as the other soldiers point their guns at Damien's corpse.

"Any last words?" Lisa says. "As long as those kids of mine are still kicking, your empire is fucked. You might kill me now, but what I stand for?  Pfft, good luck killing that." Sophia says, as she spits some blood onto Lisa's cheek in disrespect. Damien musters enough strength to utter one last word. "...Ditto." he says.

The kids look away, teary-eyed as the soldiers and Lisa fire upon the two. Both killed instantly. "I assure you whatever they said was filled with lies and deceit. At HEADS, all of you are my children and I do my utmost best! Now go on, your teachers will brief you all in." Lisa declares. The kids leave, trying to not look at the bodies of their mentors they just got to know. Lisa takes off her coat, it's pure white stained by Damien's blood.

"Burn it. I don't want that disgusting trashes blood on anything I own." Lisa proclaims. A few soldiers carry the coat off. "Miss, if I may ask.. What did Damien say to you?" Her attendant questions. "All he said was... Nothing. You'll know in due time. For now, that Watanabe man of theirs is recovered. The perfect distraction." Lisa reveals, chuckling to herself.

Chapter 9 - The End.

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