Chapter 13 - Falling Down

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The entire group start heading towards a door, looking at it's faint red glow. "This one is.. different." Akari says. "Some doors are random, but doors like this are specific. They prey on fears. Any fear imaginable could be behind one of these doors." Lisa explains. "Uh-huh.." Makoto responds. "Now then, we have a job to do." Lisa says, patiently smiling. The group enters the door, blinded for a second. They cover their eyes with their arms, blocking out the harsh sunlight. As everyone's eyes start to adjust, Tsunade gasps. Makoto slowly moves his arm and stares at the bright blue sky in front of him.

At the same time, he looks down and finds himself on top of a massive building with a door off to the right. Below him is a drop so far that it looks as if they should be in the clouds. "So... The fear of heights? Everyone okay?" Makoto asks as he turns around. Akari hides behinds Junpei, shaking a bit. "Since when were YOU afraid of heights? That's always been MY thing!" He exclaims. "Well, in these red doors when groups of people enter, at least one person will be afflicted with that fear." Lisa explains.

"I-I got scared after looking at a sliding pole on the playground! It just looked like.. a fast way to break my legs. I don't even wanna think about it!" Akari shouts. "Pfft, you know, she's kinda cute like this! It almost reminds me she's a girl!" Junpei says. "Do you want to be pushed off this building?" Akari declares. "I apologize profusely ma'am!" Junpei exclaims. "Anyway... We've documented this hall decently well, besides one part. Basically, that door to our right leads to the inside of the building. My subordinates don't have a great memory of it when they return however.. another part is jumping off the building, which is significantly riskier." Lisa explains.

"Whatever monsters behind that door are gonna get slammed anyway!" Tsunade yells. "I would believe so, from the guns you all possess." Lisa says. "How'd you..?" Junpei ponders. Lisa chuckles in response. From her perspective, she looks at Makoto and sees his calm heart rate compared to the others. "...You all are going to go through the door. You can handle it." Lisa proclaims. "Alright then, c'mon guys. We'll get this done quick." Makoto proclaims. Lisa holds her arms out and blocks Makoto's path. "Oh, not you. You and me are going to personally bond together." Lisa declares.

Junpei and Tsunade look worriedly at Makoto, darting their eyes around for an idea. Watanabe seems worried for a second, but ultimately sighs and leaves it up to him. Akari stares into Makoto's eyes with burning determination, as if instead of asking "will you be okay?" She's saying "you'll be alright." This determination shakes Makoto to his core, and he turns to Lisa face to face. "Okay then, you and me. What's up?" Makoto asks. Lisa hands Makoto a Katana. "What the..? Where the hell did you even get a-" He exclaims, as Lisa pushes him off the building.

"MAKOTO!" The group shouts. "JUST GO THROUGH THE DOOR! ILL HANDLE HER! I'LL SEE YOU IN A BIT!" Makoto shouts as Lisa jumps after him. "We can't waste any time then! We have to do this!" Akari shouts. Tsunade raises her hand slightly, thinking of protesting. However, she drops her arm after thinking a bit more. Makoto falls even faster, but eventually lands on the building and begins to slide down. Lisa drops down from the sky and swings at Makoto's head, however his eyes dart over to the sword and their blades cross.

"Not bad for a rebellious child, I thought you'd be dead by now." Lisa compliments. "You really think I'd die? I promise you, I'm gonna be your worst nightmare." Makoto declares. Makoto and Lisa cross swords once more and toss each other back. Lisa starts to wildly slash at Makoto only to dodge the attacks. He narrowly avoids a slash before slamming his knee into her stomach. Lisa is tossed off the building from the hard blow and floats up above. Makoto sighs, relieved. In some primal part of his body though, the hairs on his neck stand up as he instinctively can feel the killing intent behind him. Makoto instantly turns around and blocks the slash with his sword.

"You think you can come in here and disrupt MY order?! MY RULE?! A WORTHLESS INSIGNIFICANT CHILD LIKE YOU WILL NEVER DESTROY WHAT I'VE BEEN PLAYING FOR DECADES!" Lisa shouts as Makoto's sword starts to crack from the pressure. Ultimately, the sword shatters and Makoto barely dodges Lisa's strike, his cheek being sliced just barely. He responds with a blow to her arm, causing Lisa's sword to fly up. "Woah... I guess I'll just have to wing it!" Makoto yells as he and Lisa start exchanging blows.

Makoto lands a quick kick and tosses Lisa off of the building but quickly chases after her as they begin to fight while falling. As they fall farther, they begin to see some clouds approaching them. Lisa seems shocked, but Makoto takes this opportunity to punch her with all his might and toss her beneath the clouds by her leg. As he approaches the clouds himself, he crosses his arms together above his face in order to prepare for whatever awaits him.

Earlier, the others open the door and find themselves staring at a dark hallway. Akari, Junpei, Tsunade, Watanabe, Morina and Saburo all stare back at the unforgiving pitch-black darkness. "Fuck. What's the plan?" Junpei asks. "There's none. We just keep going until we make it out." Akari responds. "Then come on, Mako-san's counting on us!" Tsunade exclaims. "Mako? Anyway, I'll back you all up. We gotta trust him." Saburo proclaims. "I'll trust in him. It's the only thing I can do nowadays." Morina adds. The group walk into the dark hallway as the light from outside slowly but surely fades away. In the darkness, they feel shivers go up their spine as if they're being watched at all times.

Tsunade flicks on a lighter, revealing the hundreds of thousands of eyes staring at them. Morina yelps in shock as the others try to keep their cool. The eyes follow their every move, unblinking and indifferent. The group keep moving against all odds and reach the end of the hallway, a downward spiraling staircase. The eyes never leave however, as they continue to follow them down the stairs. Behind them, they see a vast approaching darkness.

The dark groans as if the voices of a thousand souls scream out in torment. "Just run for it!" Akari shouts. They all start sprinting down the stairs as the eyes follow them. "another one joins." a whisper says. "It's no harm. Let us embrace you, drown your worries in the cold reality of death." Another voice says. They shake off the voices and keep running, but darkness gains speed. "It's gonna catch us, what are we supposed to do?!" Junpei shouts. "Jump! Don't question it!" Morina yells. Without question, they all jump off the railing and start falling. They close their eyes and feel themselves come to a halt. As they slowly stand, the group looks up.

They find themselves in a house, the roof is merely a black void and the walls seem distorted. The world they once knew had seemingly collapsed. Before anyone could speak, a man in heavily armored gear runs from their left in their line of sight. "T-Thank God there are others! Please, you have to find Li-'' The man shouts, before almost instantly disappearing. Behind him stands a creature immeasurably tall, shrouded in darkness. All the group can notice is the sheer god-like nature of the entity. As if it was something that could never be beaten. Instinctually, they all begin to scatter.

"WE'LL MEET BACK UP! JUST DON'T GET CAUGHT!" Junpei yells. "GOT IT!" Akari shouts. "I DON'T WANNA DIEE!" Tsunade cries out. Morina and Saburo nod in acknowledgement before they all split. The creature doesn't move, it's true nature unshowing.

Chapter 13 - The End.

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