Chapter 7 - HEADS in Action

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Sitting in the classroom, the group looks at the teacher in front of them. "So... Mr. Whatever your name is, what's the plan?" Tsunade questions. "First of all, My name is Kota Kiyama, and nothing yet. We're waiting for one more guy. Who in retrospect, I'm not surprised to see he's late." Kota says.

From the entrance, a disheveled man who looks half asleep walks to the front and stands with Kota. "You're late again, Sana." Kota proclaims. "My bad, I'm just way too tired man." Sana replies. "This is the guy we were waiting for. This is Sana Yoshino, he's our certified halls documenter!" He introduces. "Something like that I guess." Sana responds.

"...We've been sat here listening to you ramble, but we haven't learned a damn thing. So what's the purpose of this?!" Akari shouts. "That's why both of us are here, just shoot us a question. I'm sure you all have one!" Kota exclaims. Tsunade jumps up. "Do you have cell phone service?!" She questions. "No...? And even if we did, nothing we could do with that. It'd be an easy way to get viral though." Sana responds.

"What are the halls exactly? How the HELL do you even get it this place?!" Junpei ponders. "Okay, a question to sink our teeth into. In simple terms, the halls are a neverending structure filled with things beyond any of us. The hall you guys came from, hall 250, is takes the shape of a school you used to go to, upon other anomalous things. The halls are filled with things like that." Kota explains. "So the halls can be anything?" Makoto says.

"Correct. Whether it's an infinite skyscraper or a labyrinth that has an unkillable monster the size of a boulder chasing you, the halls are only limited to your imagination." Sana continues. "And just to add on to this, there are no exits at all? How do people even get into this place? And where the HELL are our friends?!" Tsunade asks.

"Piling it on a bit thick there, huh? Okay, okay. To our knowledge, no. You can't leave this place. I mean, there's talk about a hypothetical exit but its.. Impossible." Kota says. "Even if it's hypothetical, I'm fine with chasing a lead." Akari says.

"A few members of HEADS tried, but it'd take too long. It's said the exit's at Hall Infinity, but if there are 250 halls in your case, we'd be more likely to reach Hall Infinity by the time the universe dies. times 2,000. It's impossible." Sana continues. "We can skip halls though, can't we? We didn't start at Hall 1, so theoretically we can skip as many halls as we want until we reach that one." Makoto suggests.

"While I HAVE given that some thought, later floors border between absurdly dangerous, completely safe, or somewhere in between." Sana declares. Suddenly, a team of people in heavily armored gear burst in. "HEY! We're teaching a class here?!" Kota yells.

"I'm leader of the exploration division. Lisa herself thought the newbies should learn the layout of the land firsthand! So I'm taking them to scope out Hall 1,380!" The man exclaims. "We haven't thoroughly explored that floor yet, are you sure you should bring these kids there?!" Kota shouts. "Eh, best way to learn about the halls is first hand experience." The man replies. 

"Can't we wait for the others though...?" Junpei asks. "Hmm... No. Alright, come on. We got a floor to explore." The man retorts. Makoto sighs. "We've survived worse. Let's just do this." He says. "We've lost too many to be complacent. I believe in us." Akari adds. "Wow! Look at Akari the team player, I would've never seen the day.." Tsunade exclaims. "Just keep your hands away from the weapons Nori. You're a fucking traitor." Junpei responds. Nori grunts in response.

The group of remaining students stand up and are led down a hallway. "So are you just not gonna give the high schoolrs armor or anything?" Akari asks. "...Kid. There's something you need to face. In these halls, you're expendable. Whether you're in heavy armor or ass naked it doesn't matter. Anything and anyone can kill you. That goes DOUBLE if you're in HEADS." He declares.

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