Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Lisa stood where she was, looking at Jungkook's staunch and determined back, and felt some bitterness in her heart. Jaehyun did not understand what was going on. He saw Jungkook hurrying off and quickly chased after him. Before going, he even turned to Lisa to say, "Hurry up."

I won't!

Lisa refused to move in a fit of pique. She stared after the two athletes and said through puffed up cheeks, "Even if you don't like me, you don't have to act like this! Taking all this effort to come and welcome you back, and you don't even bother to say thank you! A big shot, are you? My idol is Jaehyun, not you!" As she ranted, she really started to become mad, and so she turned to ask Bambam, "Don't you agree?"

Bambam was very supportive. He nodded emphatically and said, "Right!" Seeing her cheeks bulging from anger, an almost imperceptible smile graced his eyes. He said, "Boss, let's go have some Haagen-Dazs, okay?"

Lisa glared at him. "All you know is eat!" No understanding for my sorrow at all!

In the end, the two of them still went out for Haagen-Dazs. Under typical circumstances, when a poor person like Lisa wanted to eat Haagen-Dazs, the first step would be to search and see whether there was a group-buying or the like. When Bambam saw her opening the green icon for the group-buying app, he decided to object. Because based on past experience, anything one could buy on these group-buying apps would not be the hottest or latest products. He pressed down lightly on her wrist. "My treat."

"You can't be treating every single time." Lisa brushed him off and stubbornly continued to search through the app.

"Lisa," Bambam's voice suddenly became solemn, "I can treat you every single time, as long as you are willing."

"Hm?" Lisa raised her head in surprise to look at him. Her eyes met his calm tapered eyes, and she asked, "Why?"

"Because you're poor."

"..." Logical and backed with evidence, there was no way for her to refute his claim!

When Jaehyun managed to chase up to Jungkook, he grumbled, "Why are you walking so fast? Lisa has short legs. She won't be able to keep up with us."

Jungkook halted and turned to look back at her. However, all he saw was her back. She was walking away with that strange lackey of hers, and her figure was shrinking into the distance.

Jaehyun said in an odd tone, "Wasn't she here to welcome us back?"

Jungkook stared mutely at her back.

Was she angry?

He suddenly felt really bad, like there was something clogging up his heart, heavy and uncomfortable and impossible to resolve. He had the urge to run over to her, hold her hand, make her laugh, and take her home ... his feet actually began to move.

But he only took one step before he stopped once again. He looked down at the black suitcase at his feet and his expression was dismayed.

He had made a decision, so he should stick to it.

Jungkook sighed. "Let's go."

"Go where?"

"Back to the team."

The two hailed a taxi. In the car, Jungkook kept looking out the car window. Even someone as slow as Jaehyun picked up the strange mood Jungkook was in, so he asked Jungkook, "Why are you in such low spirits right after getting off the plane?"

"It's nothing. Just a little tired."

"Oh. Then you should get some sleep." Jaehyun did not say anything more but started playing with his phone. After playing for a while, he forgot he had asked Jungkook to rest. He nudged Jungkook's shoulder. "Hey, it turns out that Lisa went to get ice-cream!"

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