Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

In order to help Jungkook practice his oral English, Lisa did plenty of homework. She sorted out the common English journalist questions athletes often encounter and made a native English compilation. She then sent it to Jungkook for him to try it out. After that, she herself recorded the common answers to those questions and sent them to him as well, asking him to learn by example. She also marked the more difficult terms for him to memorise.

'With this, it should all be fine,' she thought.

However, ideals were lovely, but reality is harsh. Completely unexpectedly, Jungkook became both ignorant and incompetent. During their discussions, he would often stray off topic, persisting until even the tips of Lisa's ears were red. Lisa was rather annoyed by it.

Jaehyun was even more annoyed — his roommate was showing off, being lovey-dovey every day, blinding his poor single-dog eyes. Please tell him how he could kill off his roommate without anyone being the wiser!

And so time passed by, slowly and leisurely, and before they knew in, it was already time for the Winter Championships. Thinking back to a year ago, Jungkook had still been an unknown athlete. His fumble during the press conference had been interpreted by the media as 'a small fry trying to challenge the world champion for some fame'. But now, just in a year's time, he had proven himself to the world. He was the national idol of the Chinese, as well as the hope of Asian swimming.

Since becoming famous, Jungkook had accepted two interviews. One for a television broadcast, and the other for a trendy fashion magazine. As the saying goes, "entertainment knows no borders" — well-known athletes would always receive attention from the entertainment industry and fashion industry as well. Jungkook was blessed with a superstar face, and his figure was also much better than many idols. His personal image was also excellent — in particular, in some people's eyes, his profession as an athlete was much more noble and wholesome than the messy throng of gossip-burdened superstars. Therefore, Jungkook had recently attracted significant attention from the fashion industry. Some had even invited him to attend fashion shows, but this kind of requests had been directly rejected and filtered out by the swimming team's management and so had not even appeared before him.

Due to his popularity, there had been many requests from the media for exclusive interviews, but the team felt that too many interviews would affect training. Besides, Jungkook was somebody now — not just anyone could interview him whenever they wanted.

Well, except for one person — Lisa could interview him whenever she liked...

Lisa herself was a little surprised by this. She could not stand Director Yang Hyun Suk's nagging all day, so she asked Jungkook whether he could accept a second exclusive interview with Sports Weekly. She had only intended to ask just to get the Directorr off her back, but unexpectedly, Jungkook agreed straightaway.

Lisa was a little worried. "Isn't that a little troublesome? It's okay even if you don't agree..."

"It's no problem." No matter what one's girlfriend asks for, it was a good boyfriend's basic duty to meet the difficulty head-on. Jungkook told himself this.

And then, he sought out Coach RM and told him why he needed to accept the interview request from Sports Weekly: "Lisa is my girlfriend. If I refuse, we will have problems with our relationship. The emotional problems would affect my training, and my training is disturbed, I won't be able to swim well and get good results."

RM glared. "Why do I get the feeling that in order for you to get a gold medal, the whole nation needs to support your relationship?"

"No need to bother the whole nation. It's enough for the team to be a little more understanding."

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