Chapter 83

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Chapter 83

Lisa jumped and let go of Jungkook, looking up to see Bambam standing at the door. He had his arms crossed, looking at them evenly, his face as pale as a vampire's.

Even seeing him right now, Lisa still felt terribly sad. She had trusted in him as a good friend, but he had just used her in return. The important thing was that he had been really nice to her before, even helping her to get out of a tough spot. She had been so moved then, but in the end, under the lovely outer coat was just a callous truth.

Jungkook frowned at Bambam. "How did you get out so quickly?"

Bambam entered the room. "The police have no proof. They can at most hold me for 24 hours." As he said this, his eyes remained on Lisa.

Lisa raised her head to meet his gaze. She saw that his expression was calm, his eyes cool and unruffled like a dry well. She watched as he walked over to stand before her. Lisa's eyes were red as she asked, "Bambam, have you been lying to me all this time? The only reason you got close to me was so you could hurt Jungkook, right?"

Bambam looked at her, and suddenly, he snorted softly and said, "Or else?"

Lisa was devastated. She looked at Bambam like she was seeing him for the first time. Her eyes slowly turned cold as she continued staring at him.

Bambam turned away to break eye contact with her. He then walked around them to stand before Minnie's bed, where he looked down at her with gentle eyes. "Minnie doesn't want to see you two. Please leave."

Lisa said with a cold smile, "Can't face us, more like. Because she has an unreasonable and malicious older brother!"

Bambam's face darkened abruptly.

Jungkook put his arms around Lisa and gently patted her on the shoulder. He said, "Bambam, don't think that you'll get away with it."

Bambam quirked a brow. "Regardless of whatever you're trying to accuse me of, please provide actual proof. Besides that, Lisa, you think I'm unreasonable? My little sister became a vegetable because of him, and all he has suffered is a broken hand. Who exactly is being unreasonable?"

Lisa was furious. She broke away from Jungkook and stepped forwards to lift her hand — smack! A slap landed on Bambam's face.

The slap was hard enough to turn Bambam's head, and a faint red hand-print instantly appeared on his face.

Jungkook was worried that Bambam would hurt Lisa, so he quickly moved forwards to pull Lisa behind him. However, Lisa ignored him and rushed out again to stare at Bambam. "I didn't expect you to twist things upside down like this. Jungkook saved Minnie's life. Is this how you treat your little sister's saviour? If Minnie knew you were doing this, she would be turning in her grave!"

Bambam glanced at her and then as if he had seen something immensely funny, he said, "When has he ever saved Minnie? I know you're anxious to help your lover boy clear his name, but you shouldn't go so far as to make up such a clumsy lie as that, right?"

Lisa was surprised. "You don't know? You don't know how Jungkook broke his leg back then?"

"He broke his leg in a car accident, and it was Minnie who sent him to the hospital. And then, emotional, Minnie confessed to him, but in return," here, he threw a cold look at Jungkook, "He told Minnie to go and die."

Jungkook frowned deeply. "I absolutely did not tell Minnie to go die. I only said that I never wanted to see her again."

Lisa suddenly burst out laughing. After her laughter died down, she shook her head and said, "I understand now. I thought your sister was just a little princess with a problematic personality, but it turns out that, it's not just a personality problem, she has a character problem!"

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