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MONDAY April 13, 2020

Wake up with headache and sore throat. OMG! COVID! Spend day getting affairs in order in case I die. Later, figure out it's allergies.

TUESDAY April 14, 2020

Now that stay-at-home order eased, can go for walk in park. No one else around, so don't wear mask. Guy approaches on trail, also unmasked. Hurry to put mask on and accidentally pull off glasses. [Bleep]! Guy laughs, probably spewing virus at me. Think I will only take walks at midnight when no one else is out.

WEDNESDAY April 15, 2020

Animal shelter where I volunteer is closing because of COVID. Agree to take in foster cat. Set him up in guest room.

THURSDAY April 16, 2020

Lose the foster cat. From closed room. [Bleep]! Did resident felines, Muffin and Char, break him out?

FRIDAY April 17, 2020

Find the foster cat. Under bureau in guest room. Not sure how he got there since gap is only two inches high. Hope he can get himself out because I can't lift dresser and Jules out of town.

SATURDAY April 18, 2020

Venture another walk, but stay off trail to avoid people. Get bitten by a tick! If I don't die from COVID, I'll die from Lyme disease. I'm never leaving house again. Maybe there's room for me under dresser with foster cat.

SUNDAY April 19, 2020

Jules comes home so get her to lift dresser. Foster cat darts out and hides behind bed. Yay! To celebrate, bake cake and score some cannabis edibles from rehab-counselor neighbor. Get the munchies and eat whole cake in one sitting. Are stomach aches a symptom of COVID?

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