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MONDAY May 4, 2020

Cleaned up cat poop and ran bathmat through washer's Sanitize cycle. Twice. Now am out of hot water. Soon as it is replenished, will take my book up and soak! Later... water still not getting hot. Go into basement and find puddle around water heater. Noooooo!! Why isn't Jules here? She's the one who knows how to deal with house stuff! Too much for me. Gonna make popcorn and watch Battlestar Galactica.

TUESDAY May 5, 2020

Watching Battlestar Galactica did not fix water heater. Spinning hook kick did not fix water heater either, but it did hurt my back. Ow! Karate is not good for everything!

WEDNESDAY May 6, 2020

Too zonked on painkillers to care about water heater. "Muscle relaxants" don't actually relax your muscles, they just make you feel like you are outside of your body. Woo hoo! And they make you sleep. Like, right no

THURSDAY May 7, 2020

Jules texts asking if I have bathed yet. Send her "ha ha ha" emoji. Can barely move, and cannot bend down. To feed cats, throw kibbles on floor, and fill water bowls by pouring from a glass. Messy. Can't clean litter boxes, but it's not like the little shits are using them.

FRIDAY May 8, 2020

I've fallen and I can't get up! Just kidding. No, I'm not.

SATURDAY May 9, 2020

Wish Jules were home. For her to come back, need to bathe. To bathe, need hot water. To have hot water, need to get water heater fixed. To get water heater fixed, need Jules to come home. This circular logic making me dizzy! Or is muscle relaxant kicking in? Go

SUNDAY May 10, 2020

Jules comes home early because I'm not answering texts. She calls plumber and spends hours researching best replacement water heater. Glad she's here, even though she locked me in guest room with foster cat until I can take that bath. At least foster cat uses his box!

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