Chapter 2

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Another few uneventful years past, I nearly got attacked by another group of irritating dogs (gosh i really hate them) , fought a group of highschool delinquents -in my defense, they were teasing a middle-schooler- stole a few needed items to not be a complete bundle of filt and as for food, I killed a bunch of pigeons and created dozens of fires (fires I killed after use, becuse i do not want a repeat of a certain event)

Today is the 18th of June , a day before my fifteenth birthday, i usually get the free newspapers for the date and local news, and the little quizzes i have come to like. (Birthdays has never found my interest. They are just  indications of the years you wasted doing whatever)

Alteast i have i formed a daily schedule:

1. Wake up (or never wake up)
2. Go to the city, with book in my pocket
3. Work a mediocre job
4. Eat my daily meal
5. Learn basic knowledge
6. Try suicide attemp with book
7. Then go clean up and sleep in tree (away from the dogs)

As for today, i have just finished Step 5 I now know more about the Russian language for no reason, I can say basic things, like "привет меня зовут дазай" and "я мальчик за столом", the first saying "hi, my name is dazai" and the other "I am a boy at a table" ect..

Enjoying the twilight sky, on trip back to my humble abode , I sensed someone following me.
I cursed myself for not bringing the blade, albeit it became blunt over the years, I would still be able to defend myself with it. Now I have no way to do so (how most excellent)

After about a five minute walk , turning right into an alleyway then left into another, and repeating it. I still haven't lost my little stalker, yay.  Atleast I found a broken apricot can, in a bin nearby and threw a few open fuel canisters on the ground behind me (creating a circulor border of fuel, keeping little creepy in without him really noticing)

After formulating a quick plan, I turned around and stopped. Waiting to meet my prince charming. 

Red piercing eyes, formal attire and an evil smile only a lawyer can replicate... he seems nice (definitely nOt crazed)

"Hello there dearest stalky" I sarcasticly challenged, looked like I caught him off guard. How funny

"Didn't expect you to be so.. forward how is everything osamu, dazai" the fashionable stalking proclaimed.

"Looks like you did your homework on me, what do you want princess" I egged him on, whoever he is, he is persistent.

"Well I want you to join the Port Mafia, you turn 15 tomorrow, do you not?"

"What does that have to do with anything, and me a mafia member?" (How absurd) i thought

"At the age of 15, everyone is supposed to fully develop their abilities and if not, they do not possess one and you Dazai, have the ability to nullify another's special ability by touching them, it is called no longer human"

"Ahh now I see, you know I would be a great threat if on the wrong side, am I correct?" I urged, suspecting he knew about my ability because i came in contact with one of the members, by accident.


"What would I get in return, and I suppose I can't refuse. You probably have most of your agents around the corner right now, with all their abilities and weapons"

"Sharp eye, good sense of humor and smart , even though you didn't attend school. I'm impressed. You would get a home and a salary in return and.. access to anything you want , but with guards. We don't want you escaping just yet now do we-"

"And even if I could escape, which is probably going to be impossible, I would be tracked down imitately" finishing his sentence.

"Correct again, you are good at this" the mafia stalker stated

"Before I go with you, what is your name and status in this mafia and what exactly do you want from me"

" I am the leader of the Port Mafia, your boss." (Bold of this stalker to assume, I already accepted his "request") i thought. "My full name is Ogai Mori , you can call me boss and do not worry, i will forget about the disrespectful names you came up with."

"Wonderful, thank you pancy Mori dear " I temped him

"Why you-" a unknown voice came from the back. As i suspected a ball of fire came towards me, i quickly caught a bit of it with my can and threw it past Mori.

"How smart Dazai, you first disrespect me, then you throw away your only weapon and then you miss me with your terrible aim. Perhaps i overestimated you" Mori's last words hit a trigger within me. A trigger i haven't known existed in me. Satisfaction.

"Think again," I pointed to the bulging fire behind him, trapping him in a small circle. This is my queue, i thought. Running faster than my legs ever dreamed of venturing. In 2 seconds i traveled past the library, the place i learned everything i could to catch up. In 3 Seconds i was past my awful job, 4 seconds i was past the fountain I used to clean most of my filth. At 5 seconds I came to a halt.. the bench, memories came flooding back. The boy with blue eyes and red, orange hair..what was his name...?

I didnt realize I forgot about him, moved on.

Yes i remembered it, but after a week i left for another place in town..

I stopped myself from over thinking and kept running further, i have wasted to much time here. I was still to close...

Still to close...still-

My eyes betrayed me as a napkin, covered my mouth, I have already breathed the toxins in...great

I cursed myself for being distracted

My imagination took part of this toxins, because for a second I thought i saw him again. What a happy second before the blockout.

(1026 words)

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