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Kendra's POV

Today was the day of the second hearing, I woke up feeling nothing and all through the preparation and ride to the court I felt nothing.

The entrance of the Juvenile  court house was slightly crowded, most of the people gathered were those who wanted to see me end up behind bars while others seemed to be people who wanted to see someone else get behind bars.

I heard there was another case that would be tried after mine before the verdicts, so I guess the strange faces were for the other case. But majority of the people gathered here were for me. How devoted they are to my dead boyfriend.

"Murderers like her should be removed from the society, how irritating" some said as I was passing by

"Poor Nelson had to die in the hands of a ruthless murderer like her" another added. This words alone were enough to get me crying but I wasn't neither did I feel anything, I sighed and Mom's grip on my shoulder tightened as if trying to reassure me.

We got to the Lobby of the court house, thankfully we were the only ones there as well as the receptionist who offered us a sit. The court session was scheduled to start in an hour time but the "Criminal" was suppose to arrive an hour before the court session begins. That was what the text message had called me. But I felt nothing.

"I don't care how you do it just find them, especially that one they call Kelvin" a man was saying loudly into his phone as he walked into the lobby, following behind him were three ladies, the one in the middle was being held closely by the other two ladies. She looked vulnerable as she relaxed on the body of the older looking lady. I guess the second trial was for her.

When our eyes met, I smiled at her, I don't why but I just did and she smiled back as well before looking away.

The court session started and thankfully they refused the crowd to enter and only allowed family members and few friends, so the court room was almost empty.

There was a video evidence of the entire incident, and if the video wasn't edited it means my innocence could be proven.

"Your honor, permission to bring in witness" my lawyer requested, I guess if the witness was introduced by my lawyer it could only mean justice for me.

"Go ahead" the Judge replied.

"Witness can you please come forward"  My lawyer requested and from the gathered people in the room a guy whom I had never seen before emerged. He was wearing a neck gaiter but didn't cover his face with it. He had curly hair and was tall. He walked to the witness seat, after the oath taking he sat down waiting to be questioned.

"Witness on Friday the 23rd of September, where were you?" My lawyer questioned.

"I was in school" he simply answered.

"And when you say school you mean Liverpool University in Malibu" My lawyer asked.

"Yes" he said again.

"So why are you a witness for this case?" My lawyer questioned. I guess everyone here were already curious at this point and were keen to finding out the truth. But the only thing going on in my head was how this guy knew My Nelson. So far as I know, Nelson had never mentioned any friend or relatives who studied there.

"Uhm" the guy started and then turned to me "Nelson and I were friends who never really got along so we never spoke about each other" he said looking at me. Omo this guy dey read mind ni?

"Recently, he called me and told me something crazy and absurd" he continued "He had Glioblastomas, Cancer of the Brain and was in the last stage of it" 

So this was it? the reason for the sudden break up this was the reason.

"he never wanted to die as a result of the cancer so he decided to take it himself" he continued and then he turned to me again "he did it in front of you not because he wanted to make you a criminal but because he wanted you to hate him for leaving the way he did and forget him".

Was this supposed to make me feel better or worse?

"Omg babe I really can't believe I won the script writing contest" the video evidence of the incident started playing for everyone.

Rather than watching it, hear it directly from me.

On Friday the 23rd of September Nelson my boyfriend had asked me out...

He asked her out and then what happened???
So guys this is it!!!

At least now we know she didn't kill him but we still don't know what happened before his death.

Living AgainHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin