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Marcella's POV

In as much as my achievement requires a celebration, this was just too much.

Kelvin went overboard with this party but who am I to say no to such exclusive party thrown in honour of me.

Speaking of Kelvin, I haven't seen my boyfriend since I got here. Well it's obvious I don't need to search too far because wherever there's a crowd there lies my fantastic boyfriend.

Kelvin aka Light up. Just as his name implies brings every social gathering to life and people just love being around him and that makes me really proud.

Do you know that feeling that comes with dating the guy that every girl would kill for to have? Exactly that proud feeling, so yeah I was proud and as of today I became even prouder because I was selected as one of the designers that would be prepping the models at the National Fiesta a rare opportunity that anyone would kill for and I am the girl who got them all without scratching myself.

I got to the front of the gathered crowd and just as I had said my boyfriend was dancing and everyone had gathered to watch.

As if on Cue, he lifted his head and his eyes seized mine in the midst of the crowd and he stopped dancing and held my eyes with his for a little while and then he covered his face with his hands smiling like a shy child.

"Come here jor" he said running towards me. As soon as he got to me he lifted me up and in reflex my legs wrapped around his waist and my hands around his neck. His hands were firmly around my waist keeping me from falling.

"Why didn't you call me when you arrived?" He asked looking up at me

"I figured you would be too busy to answer the phone, and I guess I wasn't wrong" I replied and he chuckled

"Want something to drink?" He asked and I nodded a yes to him. He dropped me and we started heading to the bar section, I can't still believe he rented this entire spot just for me. "Well I reserved your favourite drink for you" he said and I almost squealed, Almost.

The bar attendant passed me a glass of Mirinda Apple Green, I so much love that drink and looking at it a a tumbler made my love for it grow even more.

"While you are enjoying every sip of your drink, I will be on the dance floor" Kelvin said and pecked me before heading to the dance floor leaving me to some alone time with my drink.

I had the first glass, then the second and then the third, then the fourth, I was almost done with the fifth glass when I noticed my heart beat reducing and then I could no longer feel my legs on the chair and then my hands became numb. I almost fell off the chair but Kelvin was quick to catch me.

He lifted me up and started walking to the dance floor. The strangest part was the fact that he never asked what was wrong with me. What is going on?

On getting to the area that was once a dance floor but now a big couch was placed there he dropped me on the couch and started addressing the crowd that was gathered. I couldn't hear anything he was saying, not just him; the entire party hall had gone silent, I guess my ears had also gone numb together with my body.

As he was still speaking six guys emerged from the crowd and walked towards the couch that I was lying helplessly on. And few minutes of talking to the crowd, Kelvin turned to the six guys standing close to the couch and said something to them and the started undressing themselves.

Then it dawned on me what was going on, it became clear to me what this whole thing was all about.

I was about to be gang raped and my boyfriend was leading the act.

The entire revelation weakened me more than the drugs I had consumed.

I close my eyes and every other thing that followed was history.

So Chapter 2 is about the second main character.

So painful 😖

Poor Marcella🤧🤧

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