12 - Falling In

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It took me less than half a lifetime to realize that regret is one of the few guaranteed certainties. Sooner or later everything is touched by it, despite our naive and senseless hope that just this time we will be spared its cold hand on our heart. ~Jonathan Carroll

Michael's POV

I could not believe Luke..

"He said he was sorry.." Luke said, that damned innocent look smeared across his face.

"Luke..Look at what he did to you!" I snapped at him. "And you want to give him another chance!?"

"If it was you, you would have wanted another chance too!" Luke snapped.

"I want just one chance being me!" I replied. Luke blinked a few times. Confusion crossed his features and then anger.

"You don't even know me.." Luke said quietly. "You don't get to just appear and pretend to be a prince! You have to work, I'm not just going to say 'oh sure Michael I would love to give you a chance,' because whether or not you want to hear it. I still love Kody."

"I know.." I replied. "I can see that." And with that I turned around and walked off, even though Luke was repeatedly saying my name.

Now here I was, sitting on my bed staring up at the ceiling. Luke was right. I did not stand a chance if Kody is still Luke's world. The real question is why does Luke like Kody so damn much.

So I found myself messaging none other then Skarlet on Facebook.

Michael: I need your help.

Skarlet: I'm not a therapist.

Michael: Very funny, but what's more funny? Luke is going back to Kody.

Skarlet: ..What.

Michael: Yeah.

Skarlet: Meet me in the park, now.

I blinked at the screen a few times before agreeing and heading to the park where I saw Skarlet sitting on a bench, bouncing her legs with nerves. Her hands deep down inside of her jacket's pockets.

"Skarlet!" I called. She stood up and walked over to me.

"Tell me what happened." Skarlet said as we began walking through the park.

"Well, I was at the library with Ashton and then Luke showed up, Ashton left. Then Kody showed up and asked Luke if he could talk to him." I sighed. "And then Kody apologized and told Luke all this crap on how he'll be nice to him. Then Luke and I started arguing and I left."

"This doesn't add up.." Skarlet said. "Luke told me a couple of days ago he really did not want to go back with Kody."

"He must've been lying." I shrugged. "He seemed pretty positive towards the fact."

"And Kody isn't going to be nice to Luke." Skarlet turned to me, shaking her head slowly. "Kody would never try this hard to get someone back, not without a good reason."

"Well what's the good reason?" I asked.

"I don't know." Skarlet shook her head slowly. "I mean Luke get drugs from Kody, but he could have easily asked one of us. I think Barbie even offered. So it can't be that."

"Oh that's right, you guys do that.."

"Shut your mouth, Clifford." Skarlet scoffed. I put my hands up in defense. "Anyways, but that's a reason for Luke to go back to Kody. But what would Kody get out of this.." Skarlet began to pace instead of continuing to walk.

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