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Story time buckle up guys

I go to take off my eyeliner as Miguel is now sitting on the edge of my bed I take it off then flop onto my bed I lay there for a while forgetting Miguel is there and I grab my boobs "what are you doing" he asks I shoot up "I forgot your here it's fun their warm and their soft" I say grabbing them again "I don't have any to grab" he says acting sad " grab mine" I say quickly getting off the bed "what?" He says "hmm? I didn't say anything" I say looking in the mirror before laying back down AND HE TOUCHED BOOBIE "bro" I say looking at him "you said I could" he says innocently

"Your right they are soft" he says NOW GRABBING MY OTHER ONE "damn you getting into it" I say laughing at him "sorry" he says taking them off "no it's okay I said you could didn't i" I say grabbing the remote turning the TV on AND THE FIRST THING THAT POPS UP IT PORN BRO LITERAL PORN I quickly change the channel "it's a sign" Miguel says MIGUEL SAYS HE SAID THAT "real" I say quickly we start watching Danny phantom and he puts his hand down and after a while creeps it up until its on my kneecap and HE KEEPS CREEPING IT UP until its on my thigh I look down and see his hand and then the door swings open

Miguel snatches his hand away as Mason walks in "Y/N OMG I JUST SAW THE HOTTEST GIRL EVE- oh your here cool" he says me and Miguel acting like we didn't do anything "I'll leave you to it and text you later" as he walks as he shut the door I heard Miguel "your cute" he says "what" I said "nothing" he says "you are too" I respond I look over to see him smiling I decide to do the same to him I creep my hand closer until its on his knee and creep it higher
It's on his thigh I look over to him and he's all red "you need some water?" I ask IM MAKING HIM RED ROJO AHHH IM HAVING AN AFFECT ON HIM "nope all good" he says obviously nervous

I look down at my hand and I see it he's rock very rock HES ROCK VERY ROCK WHAT DO I DO THIS IS TOO MUCH no it's not I'm fine I DID THIS TO HIM Mason was right, fuck Mason was right dammit okay back to this HES ROCK I MADE HIM ROCK fuck what do I do okay no play it cool "I have to pee" I say getting up I go to the bathroom and splash water on ny face fuck what do I do I wanna keep going but I don't wanna cross a line I'm just gonna leave and make an excuse to text Mason

Miguel pov:
Y/n put her hand on my knee is she gonna do the same thing I did to her? She keeps creeping it up shit what do I do no it's fine please don't get rock rn please I don't wanna make things weird this is bad she looks over "you need some water" she says FUCK SHE KNOWS okay no play it cool I look over to the mirror IM SO RED fuck fuck fuck "nope all good" I try to say I'm my calmest voice I see her look down FUCK NO FUCK FUCK NO LOOK UP UPWARDS she looks away fuck what if she saw shit i hope I didn't ruin anything "I have to pee" she says getting up fuck I ruined it I made things weird why am I over obsessing over her? It's not like I have a crush on her... fuck no I'm in love with her shit I meet her this week and I already love her it feels weird saying it but I need to, fuck I want her...

Y/n pov:
I leave the bathroom after calming down "hey" I say sitting back down "hi" he says back what do I do I have to act like I didn't just see what I saw "can I braid your hair?" I say looking over to him "what?" He replies "I wanna braid your hair" I say again "sure" he says smiling at me HES SMILING AT ME I wanna melt right here right now shit why am I like this I only think he's cute... but... fuck I love him shit "you okay" he says fuck I was zoning out "yeah sorry I zoned out" I say getting up to grab some hair ties "whay were you thinking about?" He says as I go to sit back down "you" I say quickly sitting down behind him " aww" he says I grab his hair and start braiding "your hairs soft" I say accidentally FUCK I didn't mean to say that "your cute" he says laughing a little IM CUTE HE SAID IM CUTE IM GONNA JUMP OUT TO WINDOW IM HITTING MYSELF IN THE HEAD WITH A ROCK no I'm not I need to calm down "you are too" I say smiling at him I SAID IT I FUCKING SAID IT HE KNOWS YES HE KNOWS wait fuck what if he doesn't like me back

No he does he got rock over me I'm fine I need to shut up before I start screaming and get put in a mental hospital no ill be fine I finish braiding "okay done you like it" I say he gets up "Oh it's cute" he says looking at himself "your cuter" I say getting up and I see him smile THAT SMILE OMG "so are you" he says back I smile hard and he looks over

Miguel pov:
Y/n finished braiding my hair and I go look it actually looks super good "it's cute" I say as I look at myself I'm so hot "your cuter" I hear y/n say I smile hard "so are you" i say back messing with her and she smiles HARD that smile omg I love it she's so cute I wanna throw a rock at her

A/n that's it for this chapter btw rock mean hard so just so if you didn't know 😁

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