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"Mason really wants me to come over" I say "Well let's go" he says getting up Jesus what's wrong with me all I could do is stare as he got up

"Creep" he says laughing slightly

"Shut up" I say blushing as I hear Miguel laugh a little

We get dressed then go to masons room
Mason drags both me and Miguel into his room "details" he says sitting on the bed

"We fucked simple" says Miguel opening a bag of chips

Mason looks at me "actually?" He asks "yeah" I say sitting on the bed with Miguel laying on the opposite side of me

"Yeah and btw that picture you posted on Instagram already started rumors" says Mason

"Yeah I know but nobody really knew we were together except you and Tristan" I say "it was time for people to know" I add

"Well finally anyway I'm going to sleep it's late and I'm tired leave if u want but I'm sleeping" says Mason laying on the bed as I get off

"Goodnight Mason see u tmr on set" I say as Miguel also saying goodnight, I turn off the lights and close the door going back to mine

We get inside and I turn on the TV "what should we do I know it's late but we jst woke up" I say laying on the bed as Miguel lays next to me

"I wanna be your boyfriend" he says

I pause and start smiling I look at him and then cover my face looking the other way "then will you be my boyfriend miguel?" I ask blushing

"Yeah baby" he says as he kisses me I smile against the kiss and as I pull away he looks at my face and a smile grows on his face

I'll jst tell u know idk what happaned I think I have a stoke but I start giggling and have to take a little walk around the room covering my face but still taking glances at Miguel every couple of seconds

"Sorry broke charecter for a second" I say "charecter?" Miguel asks confused
"Well yeah acting like inside I'm not (s)creaming and I wanna smile and kiss u n shit" I say smiling at the last part

'Thats what your like inside everytime your with me?" He asks smiling
"Well yeah" I say embarrassed "that's really cute" he says

"Your really cute" I mumble "sorry I know it was cheesy but it was like the perfect opportunity I say

Miguel laughs a little "so were dating now" I say

"Well yeah you already know people are gonna ask us what we are" he explains

"I'm happy I can say we're dating" I say

"Me too mi amor" he says

Oh my I think I might combust.

A/n sorry this chapter is also really short but I have been super busy Luke more than usual so it's been taking me longer to post chapters but uh yeah lemme know what some people om set tmr should ask them♡♡♡

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