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The elavator door opens and I get out waiting for Miguel we walk to his room and I sit on his bed "where's your TV remote?" I ask damn his rooms clean and he has most of his snacks? Asshole he ate all my snacks but he won't give me any? "Okay im gonna shower just stay there" Miguel says as he walks into the bathroom I wait for a little until I hear the water turn on I quickly get off the bed over to his snack area, oh yeah I'm gonna eat good today I start to eat everything and it's so good but I make sure to open the wrappers carefully so I can put the wrappers back snd he won't know I finish most of the snacks leaving only a couple

I quickly start to grab all the wrappers and put then back neatly making sure it doesn't look to pamered with and putting the full candy bars at the front I get up and run over to the the second I sit down I hear the water turn off holy shit just in time I sit there for a while u til Miguel gets put of the bathroom AND OMG IF YOU SAW HIM he has sweatpants on hus hair was still wet AND HE HAD NO SHIRT I stare so hard "I forgot my shirt" he says walking over to his suitcase the entire time I am staring at him holy fuck I look so creepy but i dont care this is better

He goes back into the bathroom why would you do this to me I want more I go back to watching the TV but I'm totally zoning out thinking of Miguel then Miguel walk out of the bathroom "okay done" he says going over to the bed "what do you wanna do now?" I ask him as Miguel jumps onto the bed "i don't know it's still late? Isn't it like 1am?" Miguel asks holy shit it is wasent Mason supposed to come back at 11? Idiot asshole fuck leaving me alone with Miguel knowing damn well I need him so I can contain myself bc I'm abt to burst oh shit wait reality , I just completely fucking zoned out "we could go on an adventure" I say looking at Miguel "I wanna take a nap first" he says grabbing a pillow "you sleep with wet hair? that's how you get sick" idiot thats gross too like your going to sleep then all the wet cold hair is gonna touch you and your neck all night

"Alright" I say I move back into his bed and grab his blanket covering myself "night night" I say as I get comfy in his bed I hear Miguel start to get up but his bed is actually so comfy like it's so soft and his blankets are so warm and fluffy "shit I love your bed" I say abt to fall asleep in this fucking bed it's amazing "weıner" I hear in my ear "what the fuck" I say looking at his AND HES RIGHT ABOVE ME AND HES SMILING OMG STOP DONT EVEN I start blushing really hard but I play it off as if I was laughing plus it was dark the only light there was, was the TV and it wasent even bright anyway

He get off of me and I wait till I'm done blushing u til I do the same "chupar una pito" I whisper back laughinag then I hear Miguel laugh a little before he moves his arm so I fall onto of him "thirsty much?" I say now laying on top on Miguel "and yet your still in this position" he says looking down at me "yeah and it's comfy" I say IM GONNA SHIT MYSELF THIS IS ALOT I lay on Miguel for a while until I hear a knock on the door I COCKBLOCKER LEMME HAVE MY MOMENT I get up and open the door "heyyyyh" Mason says knowing damn well he was supposed to be here like 2 hours ago "finally" I say letting him in "mason!" Miguel screams "hey" Mason says "okay what should we do?" I ask not wanting to stay in the hotel room

"We can go for a walk?" Mason asks "stop that would be fun" I reply I get up grabbing my things so does Miguel we all get our things and go to the elevator we get to the lobby "we should go to the gas station" I say walking to the doors "yeah sure" Miguel says "yeahwe should get snacks then watch horror movie" Mason adds "shit that's an amazing idea we're doing it" I say now outside making my way to the gas station I already knew where it was since I passed by it countless times while being driven to set  as im walking it was already like 3 am (i know ghost times spooky) and it's getting a little light outside or mabye that's just the all the lights from the shops

As I'm walking I spot a park "omg there a park over there let's go" I say the gas station was close I could see it the park was just a little further down the sidewalk "stop we should go eat snacks there" I say "yesss that would be fun" Miguel and Mason say, we get to the gas station and I immediately start grabbing all kinds of snacks we get all our snacks and pay, as we're walking to the park I get exited wait should I ask then to smoke? I don't even know if they do what if they think it's dumb or what if they think it's bad shit no it's fine if they refuse it's their choice and it's fine a bunch of people smoke I'm fine 8 year Olds smoke now a days it's sad but true atleast I'm 16 I'm almost an adult damn I'm overthinking to much it's fine

We get to the park and climb to the top "do you guys smoke?" I ask "ive vaped but never more than that" Mason says "yeah same I vape but I haven't right now since I had to go on the airplane I couldn't bring it" Miguel says "I have weed" I say looking at both of them "you guys wanna?" I ask "pass it" Miguel says "Mason do you want to?" I ask grabbing my 🛒 out of my bra I take a hit before giving it to Miguel "I've never done it before" mason says "that's okay as long as you want to you don't have to" I say taking it back from Miguel " what's it's like?" Mason asks he wants to try but he's scared "it smooth it feels like nothing is going it and it leaves the taste of weed it your mouth but that's it" I say "you also might cough" Miguel adds at this point I was already feeling it "here try it don't take a big hit right away since it's your first time" I say Mason puts it in his mouth he coughs a little "woah that was cool" Mason says

At this point both me and Miguel were feeling it "Oh I'm feeling somthing" Mason says "yeah your getting high" Miguel says this is amazing it's like nothing in the world matters I could do anything right now and it wouldn't matter I feel my heratbeat it my throat and I'm smiling hard everything isn't real and it's really easy to laugh I keep hiting it and my vision gets all funny "you good Miguel?" I ask hear quiet and at this point we're all super high "yeah, you?" Miguel says "yeah I'm good, what abt you Mason you good?" I ask he was really quiet he looks gone "yeah I'm good this is fun" he says "yeah ik" I reply  "gimme the bag I want snacks "Miguel says "you already got the munchies?" I ask laughing "yes" Miguel says opening sour patch kids "these are so good" he says I decide to eat yoo so does Mason "this is so good" I say I don't even know what I was eating but it was good

"I wanna play" I say getting up after finishing all the snacks i go over to the pole "I'm a stripper" I yell as I fall down "AHHHHH oh I thought it was a longer drop" i say looking at the ground Mason and Miguel laugh as I go over to the swings aas i walking over I see Miguel running around and he trips and rolls down a small hill and It starts, I start laughing harder than I ever have beofe I'm talking about the laugh that sounds like my lungs are collapsing and I should like a starting car that laugh I fall on my knees and then Mason starts laughing at my laugh i laugh for so long I go on the swings and climb

I get on and somehow climb to the top "how do I get down?" I ask "here I'll catch you" Miguel says damn he's high as a kite and he's still nice to me he holds his arms our for his to jump into and he starts giggling I start giggling too and I guess I forgot how to use my arms because I slide off on the top and land right on Miguel and he laughed so hard and Mason stands there watching laughing I go over to the slide "what time is it?" Mason asks "it's holy shit it's almost 5 am" Miguel says "wait what" I say hoping down the slide all of a sudden I hear a mom shit she's here with her kid "come on sweetie let's go to the swings" she's says she starts walking over and her baby trips and rolls down the small hill and I die i laugh so loud and the mom just looked at me so offended

"Oh shit let's go" Miguel says getting off and grabbing me I'm still laughing and now Mason starts i keep laughing as we get back to the hotel

A/n hey guys so I experimented with this story if you guys don't like the 🍃 then I'll write it without it in the future lmk

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